It's funny how our minds can play tricks on us. Those dragons i felt for Evan were so understated. Now that he is my husband, my feelings for him have intensified. They are like and angry crowd of people running to get the last toaster on black Friday. Not much happened, except for the fact that i'm pregnant.
yeah, it's a boy....
Okay, don't freak, i graduated college and i make an honest living. Things changed over the last few years. For example, Shane ended up with Malissa. Jason? He got Lau pregnant and now they're engaged I'm' her bridesmaid since she was mine. Sadly, she doesn't want my opinion on her bouquet since mine was made out of the original 5 chip flavors..ever. You can already tell how the kids at the wedding almost jumped me and I almost died on my wedding day. Jordan.... well lets just say he has 5 little problems to take care of....that were made with Helen.
so now we're here, making out in the very same woods where Evan fought Shane, and gave me the necklace, in the same festival, years later. I abruptly push him away.
"What?" Evan asks with confusion written all ove his face.
"I don't want Ruffle J.r getting all perved up because of my very inappropriate feelings.
"Okay 1- We are not naming him Ruffle J.r. 2- You are too dramatic.....still."
"I'm so fat! I'm like a big elephant that bumps into everything at the same time when i walk into a room. I feel like I block the sun, then people will think it's an eclip-"
"Jules!" Evan quickly interrupts me. He has an amused and confused look in his gorgeous eyes. Oh, an my angry black Friday shoppers just went in an uproar at the mention of my name. "Hormonal much?"
"Oh bite me." I said with a flat look.
He looked at me like a play full 5 year old.
"Don't give me ideas."
He leaned closer, our breaths began to mix. By this point I'm feeling very inappropriate feelings for a pregnant person. "I'm your roaring shark," he whispered in my ear. I laughed at the memory in his house, now ours, years ago. He was trailing kisses on my jaw line, and when he reached my lips he grinned mischievously and bit my bottom lip.
Ohhh loorrdd of the umbilical cords!
"I knew i saw correctly."
Evan and i abruptly broke apart at the sound of his voice, and we snapped our heads to look at a very amused Shane.
"Hey man," Evan said and went over to him to gave him a manly, testosterone filled handshake. Am I the only one that noticed that's the same spot Evan lost control on Shane's face?
I'm being hormonal! They made up 3 years ago.
"Hey minion and her littler minion." He poked my belly. It's noticeable since it's been 5 months of no Darkpoet001 sex. Shane matured, yet he never stopped making fun of me. But, seriously littler? It's no where in the English dictionary....right?
"Hey Antichips."
My eyes bulged out and i face palmed my forehead. It slipped out! He already knew about Jerkpid but now he know about Antichips too!? Stupid me blurting things out dammit! He looked amused but decided against commenting, probably reading my freaking out expression.
"Anyway, i was coming over to do the same with my fianceehe shot Evan a knowing look. He continued," but i noticed you guys were here too so we decided to say hi."
"Hey," said one out of breath Melissa who was catching up with Shane.
She and I also made up.
I waved at them, but i was completely ignored since they were busy giving each other looks like Evan and I still do. I'm happy for Shane, honestly. We never spoke about what happened but there is a silent understanding between us.
Evan broke the silence, "Yeah man, you can have it, we were just headed deeper into the woods."
"We were!?" I said shocked, scared and panicking. What if a bear attaches us and no one hears our screams?
"yeah we were, and who wouldn't hear us scream?" Evan asked confused, and Shane just looked at me knowingly playful.
"Crap. Uhmm.. nothing haha...." my voice trailed off. "You still lie very badly little minion," Shane said.
Beep, beep, beeep. My butt vibrates.
Mom- Come over later with Evan. Jack and I will prepare dinner.
yeah, mom was still dating that guy.
Mom- Invite all of your friends.
Me- Okay ma. See you!
as if on cue......
"Too much booty in the pants!"
Okay what the heck is up with Jason and ring tones?
I answered and told him to tell everybody else to come to dinner. Apparently he was calling to tell he's hungry. I didn't even realize Evan and I had walked deeper into the woods. It turns out Shane was listening to my conversation because he shouted, "Okay, we'll be there!"
"Look," Evan tells me. I, Julie Ann Jones am speechless.
"Evan," I breathed, as i stared at the sincere attempt. Evan had carved the Girl and the Shark parts 1 and 2 into a tree. How cute!
I turned around and kissed him passionately.
Evan had overcome his demons, but he still had a few lingering around. He swears he will never be like his father, and i know he won't. He's a gentle shark.
"You're my strawberry shark," It now was me who gently slid their tongue inside to explore and we were lost in our own world.