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"Ah shit! Hot!" LeBron hissed, shaking his head and backing away from the pizza oven as he winced, grabbing his irritated hand.

Alright, alright pause.

Where the hell are we?

Welcome to Cleveland, Ohio. In between the nook of Ohio in a dirty little corner that- even LeBron has to admit, needs a little scrubbing and polishing around the edges lies Blaze Pizza's very first location.

A small shop, when the glass door opens, you can hear the jingle of the bells clanking together to always notify if someone's going through the front door. In this corner shop, the sun always shines blindingly through the wide windows.

Which wasn't exactly a good thing considering how hot it'd get.

LeBron is the owner of the franchise, he chooses to work as an employee though, he thought it would help him humble himself anyways, and the thing is, none of his employees even know he's the franchise owner. He didn't want them to act all stiff around him anyways.

Blaze Pizza has several locations: Los Angeles, Oklahoma, NYC and Cleveland. But Cleveland's location had a little bit of a dilemma: Their competition, on the very opposite of the street, the admittedly CLEANER part of the street, had Flames Pizza. Total rip-off, I know. 

Ironically, the rip-off brand is more successful. 

Owned by that dude Stephen Curry and Co-owned by Klay Thompson. There was also talks of a partnership with Crown's Pizza owner- Kevin Durant. But, LeBron didn't want to worry about something like that right now.

He was fine where and how things where right now, especially with his fellow employees: Tristan "Tris, T" Thompson, Kyrie "Ky" Irving, JR Smith, Iman Shumpert who were here on most shifts.

He was fine where and how things where right now, especially with his fellow employees: Tristan "Tris, T" Thompson, Kyrie "Ky" Irving, JR Smith, Iman Shumpert who were here on most shifts

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-LeBron POV-

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-LeBron POV-

"LeBron you have to use the oven mitt, sir," cackled Kyrie, who popped his head up from the backroom, where he was kneading the dough. I shook my head in a chuckle, as I reached in the oven again, this time with a mitt.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2020 ⏰

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