Chapter 1

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Parker ( Rowaelins child)

I'm sitting in my room sitting on my bed reading a new book I got for my birthday this year, when suddenly it starts to feel cold and there is a wind that starts blowing my homework for tomorrow I get up to fix the papers when I am no longer in my room and the book I'm holding is gone.
Even though I know I should be quiet I still whine " wha my booook."
Then three people appear out of nowhere and say " you won't be needing that book for the next few weeks." I don't think there are any gods anymore so I ask " who are you." One of the ladies who reminded a lot of my mom. Smiled sweetly for someone who took away my book and said " I'm your grandma Evalin Ashryver Galathynius."
So I say " if your my grandma why did you take my book away your supposed to spoil me."
Evalin and the guy beside her laughed and said "yeah Ev,"
Evalin slapped him and said "Oh Rhoe."
I recognized the name Rhoe my mom said that it was her dads name. If Evalin was my grandma then he was my grandpa. They must have read that on my face because Rhoe said    " Yep." I look at the last person wondering who that is. The guy smiled softly as my gaze turned to him and said.
" You act exactly as Aelin did at this age, now she probably knows how we felt trying to take care of her as a child." My grandparents snorted there agreement I wasn't really in the mood for games so I decided it was best to ask questions. So I ask,
" Aren't you guys dead, and if you are then how am I here I'm not dead am I?"
My grandpa answers my questions by saying
" yes we're dead you're here to help your mom and dad in the past and your not dead." I nod to justify that I get it until I think of the part about helping my mom and dad in the past so I say "Wha?" My grandpa says
" Yes your going to help them in the past, have either of them ever told you about a time when they didn't get along and didn't know they were mates?" I nod my head and he continues after I nodded. " So we want you to go back to that time and help them grow a better relationship, also your mom at this point in time your mom does know that they could be mates but doesn't know for sure and they are barley even on talking terms." I again nod still speechless. The guy who I still don't know who is asks
" Do you want to go now or sleep here with us then go in the morning?" I shake my head and then all three of them bring out orbs of light getting ready to send me wherever they are. But before I go I want to ask one more question so I ask to the last guy " Who are you?" He smiles warmly at me and says " the old captain of the guard in Terrasen Quinn." I remember my mom talking about him but before I can say anything else I am swept away by a warm blue light. The next thing I see is a view of a few people which I recognize two of them my mom and dad. But before I say anything I smash through a skylight and into a chocolate fountain.

Rowan and I are just finishing are dinner so we can go outside and practice controlling my fire when I see something through the skylight, at first I thought it was a bird until it smashed through it and went straight into the chocolate fountain. Before anyone else can react I move into action scooping up what I can see is now a small girl probably around five covered in chocolate which she is coughing out with a mixture of blood.

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