Chapter 1// Hate it here

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Agh... shut the fuck up.

I lift my head off my pillow and look over to my phone to see who is calling. I press answer without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I groaned.

"Well hello to you to."


"Hey where have you been you never stop bye anymore you never buy from me are you buying from another dealer?"

"Haha no I would never do that because I only trust you with that and I've been on tour."

"Oh yeah, I forgot you were in a famous boy band. Who wouldve thought Bardford bad boy turns into role model." I laugh.

"Hey im still bad."

"whatever anyway what did you need?"

"well im coming home and i wanted you to save me the best stuff you got."

"well Keifer said he's getting some new Mid in but i hav'nt tried it yet."

"yeah ill try some but when i do get back im going to through a major rave.'

"oh fun, hey i forgot to tell you i ran into your sister."

"oh cool."

"yeah but she was buying from steve."


"yeah thats what i said i told her if she was buying why not buy from me atleast i know my stuff is safe and not fake."

"Mattie! dont encourage her."

"oh sorry Zayny."

"its okay. Now Tommorow at 7:45pm i want you to pick me up from the airport."

"ok babe see you then." Then i hung up. I guess its time to get up.

I get dressed in some bleached high waisted jeans and a black croptop and white converse.I let my hair down in naturally wavey hair and i get cleaned up and head out.

I walk down the street to a nearby coffe shop called "Sophias" I walk in and go to the cashere i order a vinilla bean frappe and as i was about to pay someone from me laid down 5 pounds. I turned to meet green eyes.

'hi." i said smiling.

"hey." he smirked.. Wow hes one of those guys.

"why did you do that?"

"what? i cant buy a pretty girl a drink."

"whatever." i picked up my drink and walked away.

"hey wait up." i heard him say but i just kept walking. Onnce he caught up to me he wouldnt stop talking...agh... cant this guy get a hint.

"what do you want."

"wow its really never been this hard to get a girl." i scuft.

"and why is that?" i ask.

"because im in a famous boy band."

"yeah right. whats their name?"

"one direction."

"is that supposed to surprise me."

"well kind of."

"nice try." i walked off to Keifers house do go get the new stuff for Zayn. Oh hes going to be laughing when i tell him i ran into one of his mates today.But one question rested one my mind.

Why is Harry back and not Zayn?

Oh whatever. I decide to call Zayn.


"hey Zayn"

"whats up"

"well i ran into one of your mates a few minutes ago and then i wonderd if the curly headed freak was back why isnt Zayn."

"oh well he rides a different plane than all of us because he doesnt like when people smoke."

"ha." i laugh.

"if he only knew."

"oh Mattie i forgot to tell you. Turn around." i was confused but i turned around and there he stood. God i missed him. I ran up to his and wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him. And for the record were not going out just...friends, with benifits.

He held me up by my thighs. I slowly pulled away from the kiss. I looked into his dark brown eyes.

"I can't believe your back." I smiled out of breath.

"We got back early and I wanted to surprise you."

"Well I was just on my way to Keifer's to get what you were asking for."

"Awesome I'll walk with you." We held hand while walking down the street to Keifer's.

We get to the old shabby house and we slowly walk up the steps, afraid we would fall through due to the rotted wood. I walked into the house and the wonderful spell of Loud and Mid filled my nose.

"Keifer!" I yell. I walk around the house till I see him smoking a blunt. As soon as he sees Zayn he chokes.

He starts coughing, putting the blunt down. We he stop he looks up.

"Looks who's back."

"Nice to see you too Keif. Looks like heroine is getting the best of you."

"Hey I don't do heroine anymore, I'm more of an LSD guy."

"Oh that reminds me I need some more of the LSD ,the alien one those pac-man ones fucked me up." I said.

Zayn looked at me, shocked.

"You started acid?"

"Yeah it's like the best high, but you have be careful with it."

I turned back to Keif.

"So can I get the mid?"

"Oh yeah it's sitting in the counter, just take the five grams out of the bag." I nodded and walked into the kitchen with Zayn following me. I looked toward the counter and there is a big ass bag of mid on the counter.

I walk over and grab and little baggie. Keifer should not trust me with a big of mid. I took 25 instead of 5.

Zayn came up behind me wrapping his arms around me.

"Your so damn sexy when you being bad." He whispered in my ear biting lightly. I smirked.
"Oh really." I thought.

"Yeah." I back up slowly so that Zayn was against the wall and my bum was rubbing his cock. I heard a throaty groan, so I turned around.

" To bad were in somebody else's kitchen."

"Well then we should go."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2017 ⏰

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