Holiday House

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- James POV -

The wheels of my skateboard sound louder in the summer. With next to no people in town, even the slow rolling over pavement can be heard across the block. I bet she could hear me pass by her house from her room if she wasn't on vacation with her parents. I wonder what Betty's parents think we do on sleepovers. She's not out to them and, therefore, neither am I. It's cool to keep it secret and be free from the inevitable drama of it all.

I turn the corner and make a split-second decision to try a heel-flip over a tree root creeping out of the sidewalk. Would've been a perfect landing if it weren't for the broken tiles. "Fuck." I mutter to myself as I feel my knee burn. It's not a big wound, but it did hurt like hell. I instantly look up just to check if anyone saw me fall. I may get away with just walking it off.

Or not.

Across the street, I meet the eyes of a red head on an old-school bike. She's holding back a giggle, or maybe she laughed and stopped when I looked up out of courtesy. Whatever it was, I jump on my skateboard and leave, avoiding her piercing eyes.

 Whatever it was, I jump on my skateboard and leave, avoiding her piercing eyes

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- Agustina POV -

"I never said I wanted to come." I write in my journal. My hand races with my minds as I try to put my thoughts into paper with readable calligraphy. It's a lost cause but I don't care. "Okay, that was mean. Tío Bill seemed like a nice man. But my mom could've come here alone, she's the one who knew him. I could've stayed just fine on my own. I have a license, I know how to work a debit card and I'm responsible enough to take care of myself for a couple of weeks. Plus, my best friend's mom offered to have me at her house until mom came back. But of course not, she had to ruin my vacation too. Now I'm spending most of my summer break in this ghost town hosting a funeral and taking care of a woman I never knew. Okay, I sound too heartless. Poor Rebekah is not at fault here. That reminds me, I have to go buy her pills."

I shut the journal and, shaking my aching hand,head out of the house.

"I'm going out to buy tía Becka's pills, mom!" I yell. She mumbles something from the kitchen but I don't care to listen.

I grab my keys, some loose cash from the coffee table near the main door and hop on tía Becka's pastel blue bike. It takes a few minutes until I'm in town.

Not only has my mother dragged me to the lost town of Folklore, Pennsylvania, but she found the one house ten minutes out of town. To be honest though, it is the house tío Bill and Rebekah used to live together in. I bet it felt lonely as fuck with only the two of them there and their nurses. Now it will only be Rebekah and one nurse, even lonelier. I guess I should feel kind of bad for them, but the woman is so consumed by her dementia that she hasn't noticed her husband has passed away. And the nurse is an ass.

The town streets are completely empty. The only people who still live here are probably getting ready for the service later tonight. I just hope the drugstore is open.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2021 ⏰

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