"please don't leave me"

1K 7 2

ship: markhyuck
contains: angst
word count: 1029



jaemin sighed as he watched his best friend sob, his face buried in his palms.

"I messed up! I messed up so bad.." he watched as donghyuck wailed, his hands grabbing his sleeves as tears rolled down his face, "he's never going to forgive me!"

jaemin gulped, knowing that was most probably true, silently pulling him in his arms and gently caressing his back in hopes to calm him down.

"hyuck you have to tell him.."

donghyuck shook his head vigorously, choking on his sobs, "I can't! I can't-"

jaemin pulled away and cupped the others face, looking him dead in the eye with a serious expression, "donghyuck. he deserves to know."

"b-but he'll hate me, he'll break up with me nana! I can't lose him-"

jaemin sighed as he moved back, trying to hide his disappointment in the older, "yeah well, you should have thought about that before."

the others breath hitched as he wiped his tears, "..it was an accident, you know that."

jaemin wordlessly got up and headed for the door, "hyuck you know I love you, but you messed up. I may be your best friend but I'm also friends with mark, and I can't help but be mad at you for what you did to him."

hyuck scrambled off the bed and grabbed onto the younger, "please please don't tell him."

jaemin sighed as he pryed the hands off of him, "if you don't, I will."

donghyuck sighed as he nodded in defeat, "I-I'll tell him. tonight."

nodding, the blue haired boy gently placed a hand on the others shoulder before turning to leave, "call me and tell me how it went."


donghyuck bit his lips as his leg bounced up and down, his hands shaking.

his nerves spiked as the door opened and mark walked in with a huge smile on his face, "hey baby."

donghyuck watched as mark's smile slowly faded into worry as he took in the state his boyfriend was in.

"hey, what's wrong?"

the soft tone he used, the way he carefully hugged him, it made donghyuck want to throw up. he felt like it was going to be the last time mark would ever care for him like this.

he broke down in the older's embrace, wrapping his arms around mark tightly, scared he was going to slip away.

"woah baby, what's wrong? what happened?"

mark pulled away to cup the crying boy's face, his thumbs wiping away his tears.

"I'm sorry mark. I'm so sorry."

the said boy furrowed his brows in confusion as he heard donghyuck chant those words like a mantra, over and over again.

"why are you sorry? you didn't do anything wrong, baby it's okay-"

"no! no it's not!"

mark watched bewildered and confused as donghyuck pulled away from his, aggressively wiping his tears away.

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