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Nick name:


Crush \Boyfriend:


Fave class:

Fav teacher;

Least fav class:

Least fav teacher:

Back story:

Any special powers (optional):

Mine for example

Name: Raven Yeager


House: Ravenclaw

Blood:Pure ,doesn't care

Nick name:Ravenclaw geek

Friends: Hermione,Luna ,Harry ,Fred,George and Draco

Crush:George ( can tell the difference between the twins so it's not awkward)

Enemy's: Crabb, Goyly,pansy ,Ron and most of Slytherin

Fave class:Care of magical creatures

Fav teacher:McGonagall

Least fav class:Potions

Least fav teacher: Snape

Back story:I grew up in a pureblood family but known as blood traitors because we were never in Slytherin.I was a only child so I was spoiled but didn't mean to be.When I go

Looks: Blonde hair with black dip dye, grey eyes, pale as hell and quite small

Rules: no bad language and just have fun and if someone asks you to be there friend ,enemy or even crush be polite.

I made this just for fun so please be kind and put your sign up in the comments. If you just wanna do some role play with me just message me if you want ^-^

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