Thats all how it begain...

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Going back to the era of 2015 where there was 1Gb 4G for ₹400 or likewise where there was limited access modern technology such as apple, or some high quality apps such as Instagram or something.
So it was first day of his junior college;
Amar, an average looking shy child entered the classroom of 125 and sat back on last bench alone looking into his mobile phone.
Suddenly the teacher started giving roll numbers and this guy was looking here and there to escape situation,
Suddenly teacher called out an name;
The name that changed his entire 2 years of junior college.
Roll no.45, Ms. Sneha chavan!
She exclaimed,Yes! yes ma'am!
And his eyes went off on her and thats where this guy fell in love.
Then from the next day till 1 month Amar saw all his movement and her behaviour in classroom and then one sudden day they were playing truth and dare and she choose truth.
It was his turn so he asked for her mobile number and there she gave it.
For a week they both waited for thier text but none of them texted.
Ego!? No!
It was because both didn't saved their contact and were waiting for each other to share contacts again.
Now after this she got an text, Hey!Its me Amar!!
She : Heyy!!
Amar: Nice dp!!
Sneha : Oh thank you!!
Amar : (Being nervous) Do you have a boyfriend?
Sneha : Oh haha! Yes i have one.......
Sneha : Amar??
Sneha : Where did you disappeared ?
Amar : I was all here just having some work. ( Broken from inside )
Now did he wait?
Did he moved on?
Is he still in her love?
Watch out in chapter 2.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2020 ⏰

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