Play piano

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A/N: hey this is a Barry x Gary fic have fun reading or something.

Barry sighed and rolled over, looking up to his friend on the piano. He laid on the floor of the music room, his face in his arms and his stomach on the ground. He closed his eyes and let his fellow teammates' music drift him away.

"Was that any good?" Gary asked from the bench, looking down at his friend; who seemed completely at ease. To Barry his music was perfect, it didn't matter what he played. Whatever came from that piano was pure magic whenever Gary played.

"Perfect." Barry mumbled, "as usual." Barry got too his feet and walked over to sit next to Gary. He rested his head on the other's shoulder. He felt more tired than usual, like all the life has almost been sucked out of him.

"Thank you." Gary grasped Barry's hand in his own. He pressed a kiss onto the others head, squeezing Barry's hand. He knew Barry was losing hope, in his life and Gary's. They were 'cursed' as he put it.

Gary played another song, gliding along the keys, his motions almost effortless. Barry watched him play, confused that something, someone, so beautiful could still live in this world. Even if it was only for a little while, Barry basked in this moment, he listened to his lover's music. He adored every note and even began to smile hearing the other beginning to sing, his voice was soft and comforting, something he had almost forgotten existed.

"How do you do that?" Barry asked as the song came to an end. How could Gary still bring back beauty? Soft words and comforting silence? Barry couldn't understand, he couldn't comprehend how Gary was still so beautiful; How he could play so beautifully.

"Do what? Play piano?" Gary asked, a sweet smile on his face. Barry nodded, Gary stood up and walked behind Barry. Barry looked at Gary with confusion, but soon scooted to the center of the bench. He placed his hands over Barry's.

"Just follow my lead." Gary whispered into his ear, Barry nodded. He helped Barry place his hands on the keys, he guided his fingers along the board. Pressing key after key, Gary whispered words of encouragement into Barry's ears, "wonderful," "beautiful," "you're doing great."

They continued this for several songs several times, at some points Barry didn't need Gary's hands to guide him, but he continued to insist he needed Gary's help. Soon the two finished, "See? It wasn't that hard."

Gary removed his hands and took a step back, smiling softly at his boyfriend. Barry turned around and grabbed Gary's hand, he looked into the other eyes and smiled. "I love you." He breathed out quietly. They had hardly started dating, but they knew each other for so long. Barry held his breath, hoping he didn't speak too soon. Expecting no response he let go of Gary's hand only for Gary to quickly grab his back.

"I'm sorry, I just, I love you too." Gary laughed, he was struck speechless when Barry said that. Gary was always the more emotional of the two, but he was more than overjoyed at what Barry said.

Barry and Gary both leaned in for a kiss, one that was meant to be short and sweet but lasted for almost a minute, making the two break off for air. "Promise me you won't..." Barry didn't want to finish the sentence and he didn't have to.

Gary cupped his face in his hands, "I promise I won't." They both knew that could never be promised, especially with the way the world was now, but they pretended to could. They hoped that one day the world would be a little more softer, a little more comforting, and a bit more beautiful.

A few days later, in the dead of night, Barry quietly snuck into the music room, he turned on the lights. He made his way to the piano, he sat on the bench and stared at the keyboard. He placed his fingers on the keys, just how Gary showed him, and pressed them, the soft notes hung in the air, Barry bit his lip and his shoulders shook. He was all alone, the last beautiful thing was gone, Gary broke his promise, a promise that they both knew that he couldn't keep. This world isn't soft, it isn't comforting and it sure as hell isn't beautiful, and Barry has no hope it will ever be. Not without Gary.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2020 ⏰

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