Chapter 1 An Old House on the Hill

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Thunk. Tink. Patter. Patter. Clunk

Pushing down the top of my suitcase and zipping it up was quiet the challange for my morning. Unsure if it was my books or maybe my laptop or it could have been the three different pairs of sneakers I'd packed but it didnt seem to want to close, no matter how many times I packet it.

My mother was running around the house like a chicken without a head. Frantically trying to organize everything at once, just watching her made me feel tired. With the heat as well it was astonishing she hadn't fallen from exhaustion or dehydration. Fourty six Degrees Celsius and I could almost feel my skin melting off my body. Its rather amazing how much you rely on air conditioning and then when its gone you almost die. With my suitcase packed or rather held together with jockey straps and such i collapsed on the floor in front of my fan. Whooosh. Brr. Click. Whooosh. Brr. Click. I faided into the sound of the fan until I could hear nothing else. The soothing breeze and tinkering sound made the hot day almost melt away. I felt like I was dreaming but still awake, staring at the ceiling. I could see the old oak out the front with the rickety wooden swing. The hedge and pebble path leading to the front door and the smell of pine cleaning mixed with berry pie swirled around. The house on the hill, grandma's house, the house where I grew up.

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