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Y/N Tozier:

Y/N Tozier is a quiet shy girl who hates attention, but underneath she is a bad ass wating to come out and be born

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Y/N Tozier is a quiet shy girl who hates attention, but underneath she is a bad ass wating to come out and be born.
Biggest Fear: Being alone and the people she loves turning on her.
Crush: Bill Denbrough

Richie Tozier:

Richie Tozier is the infamous trashmouth who can not keep is mouth shut, but underneath he is a softie who would do anything to protect his sister

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Richie Tozier is the infamous trashmouth who can not keep is mouth shut, but underneath he is a softie who would do anything to protect his sister.  Biggest Fear: Clowns.
Crush: Eddie Kaspbrak

Bill Denbrough:

Bill Denbrough is the infamous stuttering Bill whose life was turned around after the dissapperence of his little brother and best friend, who is secretly a leader

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Bill Denbrough is the infamous stuttering Bill whose life was turned around after the dissapperence of his little brother and best friend, who is secretly a leader.
Biggest Fear: His dead little brother.
Crush: Y/N Tozier

Eddie Kaspbrak:

Eddie Kaspbrak:

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2020 ⏰

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