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while Micheal was walking from third period he noticed the new girl at her locker taking her books out her back - pack . While he was on his way to math class him and the girl bumped into eachother and her books fell . As he helped her pick them up he looked in the girl eyes and instantly fell inlove . He asked the girl her name and she replyed " Takora " . Micheal insisted he carry her books too class . So as they were walking too the same class Micheal asked " what school did you come from ? " she replied " Central high " Micheal couldnt help but too stare at Takora . When they entered class mr. davison asked " who might this young lady be ? " Takora replied " Im new here my name is Takora " Mr. Davison replied " okay you can have a seat next too mmmm.... Micheal my best student " she headed too her seat , Micheal said " hey again " takora giggled and said " hey .. again " Micheal was amazed at Takora and how beautiful she was but Takora had a secret that she had a boyfriend and Micheal didnt know .

Micheal couldnt get Takora out of his head he wanted too learn more about her . Takora walks in the class and a girl named Nakia walks up too her and says " your the new girl right ? " Takora replied " yes ... why ? " Nakia replied " im the class president and I wanted too welcome you too Jackson High " takora smiles and says " thank you " and continued on too her seat . When she sits down micheal says " hey " while rubbing the back of his neck . Takora smiles and says " hi micheal " . At the end of class Micheal tries too talk too her but he was too shy too even ask her too hang out . Takora noticed micheal trying too get her attention so she walked up too micheal and asked if he would like too hang out sometime and Micheal was so happy his squeaky voice got deeper and he replied " yes " not knowing that Takora has a boyfriend .

Takora walks in class and Nakia walks up too Takora and says " do you want too be my bestfriend ? " and Takora replies " yes , but why did you come and ask me that ? " Nakia replies " because i need new friends and ... " she gets cut off by Mr. Davison and he says " alright enough of the talking everyone take your seats and get out a pencil and paper ... its quiz time " the whole class says " ughhhhhhh " at the end of the day Micheal and Takora have a conversation about meeting up and Micheal asked Takora too the movies and Takora says " yes pick me up at 7 " Micheal was soo happy that he rushed home took a shower shaved and got dressed it was round 5 when he was done . To pass time he went ahead and got her flowers and when he was done it was 6:30 so he went ahead and picked Takora up . When they got too the theater Nakia was their and her and Takora talked for awhile . Micheal went to buy Takora popcorn and a soda . Nakia asked Takora " do you and Micheal go out ? " Takora replies " no , were just friends " Nakia says " well i dont know i think he likes you and yall would be cute together " Takora looks confused happy and sad . Micheal walks up too Takora and say " you ready to go ? " Takora throws up all over her clothes so Micheal rushed her home .

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2015 ⏰

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