Toga's entry to UA

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~In front of UA~


"I'm finally here, all my hard work has finally paid off, I'm finally going to become a hero."

Toga began to walk towards the entrance until she sees a green hair boy that tripped over his own leg, she quickly rushes to his side and catches him.


"Are you okay?"

The boy turns his head and looks at Toga, he says nothing but Toga smile at him, before he can say anything Toga just grabs him by the arm and drags him into the entrance.


"Let's hurry before all the good seats are taken."

Toga and the green haired boy sat together listening to what the exam was, Toga then looks at the green haired boy and sees him mumbling to himself, she then shrugs him so she can ask him a question.


"Hey I forgot to ask you what your name was?"


"Oh it's I-Izuku Midoriya, it's nice to meet you."


"Izuku huh, it's nice to meet you, my name is Himiko Toga."

Toga and Izuku smile at each other but then they are interrupted by a person with glasses.

~Person with glasses~

"Excuse me you two, if you two are going to keep on talking then I suggest you leave, the rest of us are trying to listen on what the exam is."


"How about you mind your own business and quit eavesdropping on our conversations four eyes."

~Present Mic~

"Whoa, calm down you two save that energy for the exam."

Present Mic continues on telling everyone about the exam, after that everyone got on some buses to go where the exam is being held, everyone was in front of a fake City and the gate, when the gates finally opened, everyone rushed in to destroy as many bots as they can, Toga is doing really good by destroying the bots with some throwing knives, but then she sees Izuku having trouble looking for some bots to destroy, she then runs to his side to help him out."


"Hey Izuku, having trouble looking for some bots to destroy? If you are I'll help you."


"R-really, than-"

Izuku is then interrupted by a huge shake, everyone turns around and sees the zero pointer, everyone began to run away, but while Izuku and Toga were about to run away as well, they see a girl trapped under some debris, Toga runs towards her to help, Izuku then changes and launches himself into the air towards the zero pointer.



Izuku destroys the zero pointer just with one punch, everyone is shocked on what he did even Toga was surprised, but Izuku began to fall with no way of landing, Toga then ask the girl she just saved to help save him the girl taps Toga's and began to flow, Toga pushes herself towards Izuku, she then catches him, Izuku and Toga are then sent back to the ground safely.


"IZUKU!, Are you all right come on talk to me?"

Izuku is unconscious due to the shock he just experienced.

~Recovery Girl~

"Excuse me young lady, I need to examine this boy's injuries."

Recovery girl examines Izuku's injuries, she has him rushed to the emergency room so he can recover.

~Midoriya household~


"Izuku, a letter came in for you, it says it from UA."

Izuku then grabs the letter and runs towards his room to open it, he is hesitant on opening it, but he just rips it open, all that came out was a small disc that projects a video, it is All Might telling Izuku that he didn't get as many points, Izuku looks down, knowing that he failed him, but all of a sudden the video cuts to two girls talking to Present Mic, it was toga and the girl she saved.


"Umm excuse me Present Mic can we talk to you?"

~Present Mic~

"Sure thing ladies, what do you need?"


"We were just wondering if you can give that green hair boy some of our points?"

~Present Mic~

"I'm sorry ladies we can't do that."


"Why not?, He clearly deserves to go to this school, he saved Ochako and I, and your saying that you can't just give him some of our points, I can tell he wants to be a hero, so please just let him have some of our points."

~Present Mic~

"Don't worry you two, he got some rescue points so he'll be attending UA as well."

All Might appears again and tells Izuku that he will be happy to see him at UA, Izuku began to cry out of joy.


"Those two actually tried helping me get into UA, when I see them again I will tell them thank you for everything."

~to be continued~

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