Part. 1

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My Mafia boyfriend  pt. 1


~~Y/N POV~~

 Today is our anniversary with Jaehyun. We have been together for 1 year. I have not been happier. I would even say that this one year was one of the best. I met Jaehyun thanks to Jennie, my best friend for 5 years.

 Jaehyun hasn't congratulated me yet, and I'm still waiting for him to write to me. Jaehyun has been a little cold to me lately and I don't know why. But there may just be a problem he doesn't want to talk about. After I got home from university, the house was empty again because my brother Jin was at work.
Y/N: "I'm alone again,"-I said to myself.
I took off my shoes and sat on the couch to rest.
Y/N: "What do I do now?"
I decided to watch some K-Drama because it's still 16:00 pm and I'm home alone.
   After 20 minutes I received a message.
Y/N: "What? How is he going to die? It's not fair,"-I said to myself as I watched the show.
Y/N: "Hhm, who wrote to me?
I picked up my phone and saw that the message was from Jaehyun. As soon as I saw his name on the screen, I felt butterflies in my stomach.
Y/N: "He finally remembered what day it is today," I said to myself as I smiled.

Y/N: "He finally remembered what day it is today," I said to myself as I smiled

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After reading the message, I started jumping for joy. We haven't been on a date together in a long time, and we'll finally be alone together.
  I decided to call Jennie because I share everything with her.
~~~ During the conversation ~~~
Y/N: "Sweetie, Jaehyun and I are going on a date together, I'm very happy.
Jennie: "Ohh, that's great." She said angrily.
Y/N: "Do you want to come and help me with the preparation?
Jennie: "Y/N, I Can't Today, Bye!" She said, almost shouting, and ended the conversation.

Y/N: "Strange, why is she treating me like this?" I said to myself, wondering at Jennie's behavior.
Usually Jennie doesn't call me Y/N, she only calls me that when we fight. I decided to forget about my best friend's behavior and start getting ready because it was already 17:00 pm.

Y/N: "I'll take a shower"
After 40 minutes I came out of the bathroom and started drying my hair.
Y/N: "Ohh, God, isn't this hair going to dry out?”
After 30 minutes I was ready and put on comfortable clothes.
Y/N: "What will I wear?" I said to myself as I opened the closet.
Y/N: "Maybe, this? No, it's not too pink ... Maybe, a skirt and a blouse? No, it's too ordinary.”
After a long choice of clothes, I decided on a black elegant dress.
Y/N: "Okay, now makeup.”
After a while I was completely ready I just had to put one last detail. And this was the necklace with my name on it. It was a gift from Jaehyun for my birthday.
It was already 20:00 pm and I decided to leave home. I walked because the restaurant was close to us.
~In 10 minutes~
Y/N: "Well, I arrived a little early, but I don't think Jaehyun will object.”
I walked into the restaurant and saw Jennie and Jaehyun together, h-holding hands?
Y/N: "J-Jennie? W-What is she doing here?"
I decided to eavesdrop on them because she said my name. And I hid behind a tall column in the restaurant.

Jaehyun and Jennie POV
Jennie: "How long will we have to hide? When will you tell Y /N?"
Jaehyun: Maybe next week. Today can not, we have an anniversary I can not break her heart today. "
Jennie: "What about me? Do you know how much it hurts me to see you with her? What if you leave me for her?
Jaehyun: "No baby, I love only you! She means nothing to me! - then he kissed her.

Jaehyun: "No baby, I love only you! She means nothing to me! - then he kissed her.
When I saw Jaehyun kissing Jennie, and hearing what he said, my heart broke into thousands of pieces. And without feeling a tear left my eye.
"Didn't I mean anything to him?", "Was I just his toy for him?", "Wasn't I enough?" All these thoughts ran through my head as my eyes filled with tears. I wiped away my tears and showed up. They looked at me in surprise.
Jaehyun: "Y/N ?? What are you doing here? - he said as he himself forgot that he invited Y/N here.
Y/N: "Yeah, what am I doing here? And I'm wondering Jaehyun. I think I interrupted you, right?”
Jaehyun: "Y/N, It's not what it seems”.
Y/N: "Isn't that what it looks like yeah, yeah, what the hell are you doing Jaehyun ??? Why did you kiss Jennie? You're cheating on me, aren't you?" I said as a tear left my eye.
Jaehyun looked at me and didn't say a word.
Jaehyun: "Y / N, calm down plea… -I interrupted him.
Y / N: "How long have you been with her?" I said with tears in my eyes.
Jaehyun said nothing.
Y / N: "HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN WITH HER JUNG JAEHYUN? - I shouted at him again as I punched him in the chest.
Jaehyun: "F-F-Five months ..."
Y / N: "Five months ..." I whispered to myself and slapped him in the face
Y / N: "That's why you were so cold with me, wasn't it? I GAVE YOU MY HEART JAEHYUN !! And you reciprocate with that? I HATE YOU JUNG JAEHYUN, I HATE YOUU…
  I turned around and saw Jennie the girl I called Best Friend, the girl I shared everything with.
Y/N: "How could you do this to me, Jennie?"
Jennie: "I love him  Y/N, I just love him” - she said with her head bowed. All eyes were on us, but I didn't care because my heart was broken.

Y/N: "Thank you for being such a”Good best friend Jennie””.
I left the restaurant and started crying even harder. I heard Jaehyun calling me but I didn't answer. After 5 minutes in the distance I heard someone calling for help. I decided to see what was happening. As I approached this call for help, the street became narrow and very dark. Suddenly I saw the man calling for help. I decided to hide behind a big bush.
Around the tied man around him there were 3 boys about 24 years old I think. The two were around him, and the other, who must be their boss, was in front of him with a gun in his hand.
~~???? Pov~~
The man: "Please have thought."
???: "Didn't we have a plan? If you don't give the money, you'll pay with your life.
The man: "No, PLEASE don't do it ple… - he couldn't finish because I already shot him in the head.
Suddenly I heard a girl shouting ?? What?
??? "CATCH HER QUICKLY," I told them.

~~Y/N  POV~~
Suddenly I heard a shot and saw a lot of blood. I shouted because I was scared, but I forgot that the three boys could hear me. I was even more frightened when I heard:
I started running, they both chased me but I ran away from them.My necklace fell while I was running, but I didn't care anymore
   After this long and tiring day, I got home. I knocked on the door and my brother opened it.
Jin: "Omg, Y/N! Are you okay? Where have you been? You know how much-I broke off when I saw Y/N crying?
Y/N: "Jin, I'm tired of everything in this life! Why don't I deserve to be happy and loved? Do I want so much?" I said as I started to cry.
Jin: "Y/N , let's go in and tell me what happened, okay?

I shook my head.
I told him everything and fell asleep.
Jin: "How can you do this to my sister Jaehyun?" Jin said as he stroked your head.

~~??? POV~~
??? "What happened? Did you catch her?"
V: "No, Jungkook, but ...
Jungkook: "But What?"
Jimin: "We found the necklace with the name on it, too."
V: "While she was running, it fell from her neck."
Jungkook: "Okay, we'll talk about this tomorrow. But we have to find her.
Jimin and V: Ok Boss
We got in the car and Jimin was driving and V was next to him.
I was alone in the second seat.
Jungkook: "Hmmm ... Who are you? Y / N interesting." I said to myself as I held the necklace.

To be continued……

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