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"Ma! I'm leaving. I'll be home soon!" shouted Naina from the living room as she picked up her purse, slinging it on her shoulder. She made her way out of the house, closing the front door behind her.  Today, she had decided to explore her own city, Delhi, like a tourist. So, she wanted to walk instead of using public transportation or driving her own car for that matter.

The sun was hiding behind the greying clouds, preparing to save itself from the pouring rain that was about to hit the ground at any given moment. Winds were blowing harshly against her chestnut brown hair as she was walking down the street. Children were playing in the park, despite the warning of their mothers. Suddenly, she heard the clouds thundering, roaring like lions. Maybe it wasn't a great idea to go out today she thought. As soon as that thought crossed her mind, she felt a drop of rain on her head. "Oh, no!" she muttered to herself as she picked up her pace before the slight drizzle turned into the pouring rain. Clearly mistrusting the weather application on her phone that had told her it would be a sunny day, she had chosen not to bring an umbrella with herself. But to her luck, there was a cafe situated nearby.

She entered the cafe and the aroma of coffee engulfed her senses as she scanned the room for an empty table. Spotting one adjacent to a large window, she went there and sat down, claiming it as hers until the rain stopped. The menu was kept on the table for the customers to peruse, and then signal the server to come and take the order. She glanced at the menu and was instantly attracted to the section of hot coffees, where she found her favourite one, Cappuccino. She called for the waiter and placed her order. While waiting for the coffee, she looked outside the window and saw people running to save themselves from the pouring rain as a small smile played on her lips. The cappuccino arrived in no time. Holding the cup carefully, she lifted it up gently to her mouth, just about to take a sip before her attention was captured by someone else. A couple had just entered the cafe, laughing at the fact that they were drenched in rain. Her breath hitched in her throat, and unknowingly she made eye-contact with the guy. The boy's laughter died down and his smile slowly disappeared.

It was him.  Aryan.

She immediately looked away and took a sip from the coffee not realising how hot it was until it went in her mouth and she felt a burning sensation in her throat. She coughed a little, going back to looking outside the window, while her mind reeled back to a long-forgotten memory.

"Do you know what I love the most about you?" asked Aryan as we strolled down an empty beach in Goa. Empty? Unusual, right? "Yeah, of course. It's my charming beauty and my amazing sense of humour." I joked, as I looked at him trying to keep a straight face.  Aryan chuckled and said, "Of course. Apart from that, I love how ambitious and determined you are. I love how kind, compassionate, and emotional you are behind that 'I don't care' facade of yours. I love how easily you open up around me and show me that you care. I love how you make me feel when I'm with you, it's a whole new me. Someone, I never thought existed before." he said, getting a little teary-eyed. A smile creeping on my lips as I lightly punched his arm and walked ahead trying to cover up the heat rising up on my cheeks. Damn this guy was really good with words. Lost in thoughts, I hadn't realised that he wasn't walking beside me anymore. I turned around to see where he was and what I saw next nearly made my heart stop beating.  Aryan was kneeling down on one knee, holding up a ring in his hand. "Will you marry me, Sakshi?" proposed he. Oh, god. No. No. This is not happening right now. I looked at him, shocked, knowing exactly what I was about to answer. "I-I'm sorry Aryan, but no. I can't do this right now." I spoke the last sentence in a hushed tone. He stood up, hurt and confusion flashing in his eyes. "Why? I- thought we were doing so well- what- why did you say no? Why can't you marry me?" I took his hands in mine and looked him in the eyes. "Look, Kabir, we are too young to do this right now, I don't think you're thinking this through. I-I mean, that we have so much to do, so many places to go, our careers are about to start, we're only 21, we-" "But it's us. You and me. Naina and Aryan. We have known each other since we were 8 years old, we became best friends when we were 10 and have been inseparable ever since. I confessed my feelings that one night when I stole vodka from my father's bar cabinet and we both got drunk, and you said you felt the same. We've been dating for 4 years now. What was all this for? Nothing?" he rambled on and on as his face became flustered with anger. He freed his hands away from mine. "I thought this was what you wanted, I thought this was what we wanted. I thought both of us were in love? Clearly, I was the only one." he spat, as he turned around and started to walk away from me. "Aryan, listen to me, please!" I shouted, trying to get his attention. "What's left for you to say and for me to listen?" he said and turned around but his eyes were not meeting mine. "I still love you! I never stopped loving you! Do you think I don't want this? I want this. I want us!" I cried. "Then marry me," he said, finally meeting my eyes. "Marry me, Naina!" he reiterated. I remained silent. "That's what I thought." he said, defeated.

"Ma'am can I get you anything else?" the waiter came by and asked, snapping her back to reality as a tear slipped down her cheek at the remembrance of the sour memory. Sniffling, she wiped it away, hoping nobody had noticed. She looked down at the cup of coffee in her hand that had now become cold. "Ma'am?" the waiter urged. She cleared her throat and said, "No, thank you. This will be all." The waiter left to get her bill. In the meantime she watched the couple from afar, they seemed so happy; smiling, laughing and joking, holding hands and staring into each other's eyes, they were so in love. Oh, she wished that it was her. She wished that she and Kabir hadn't broken up. Somewhere in her heart, she knew it was her fault. "I should've said yes. I'm so stupid, I should've said  YES." she quietly murmured to herself, knowing it was difficult to find a love like theirs ever again.

She stood up from her chair and attempted to gather the courage to go and talk to him.  As she was about to leave her table, the waiter came up and said "Ma'am here is your bill.", as he placed a cheque in front of her. She took out the exact amount of money and paid the bill to him. "Thank you, Ma'am", he said. She gave him a half-smile, and looked outside to realise that the rain had stopped. The skies were clear, the sun was shining loud and bright. She sighed and took one last look at him, and then exited the cafe. As soon as she stepped out, she got a text from a familiar yet an unfamiliar number.
It read: 'Long time, no see?'

She knew exactly who it was.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2020 ⏰

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