Chapter 1: Oliver

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    The body burned alongside the early morning light shining brightly through the window above it as Mina Wolfthorn watched on. The third servant in a month that had tried to retaliate against her; they were not as smart as they use to be when she was a child watching her mother order them around seeing the pure fear in their eyes as she did so. With the last of the flames licking the bones feverishly craving to live long Mina stood from her stool heading to the warm upper level of her home and to her spunky daughter that greeted her with glee filled eyes.

"Stella my love...Trevor passed from his sickness suddenly within the night dear. I'm so sorry, I know you enjoyed his presence in the house. His body will be picked up tomorrow by the undertakers."

    Stella with her kind and open heart frowned deeply and the glee faded away so suddenly.

"Poor Trevor...Momma I could have made him medicine."

"Probably not my rose bud...he was far too gone for any medicine. Get dressed now dear, properly. We'll travel to the market today to rid your mind of sadness. This home can't go long without help anyway, put on that pretty purple dress Grandma made you."

"Alright Momma."

    Mina watched her little baby run off to her room glad that with so many deaths recently they were starting to go through her more easily; something a learning witch needed. Retiring to her own domain the mother changed into a dark green day dress and tied the auburn locks into a side ponytail. Slipping on her boots as the finishing touch while a black raven flew in from the opened window landing somewhat gracefully onto her bedsheets. Mina smiled whole heartily running two fingers down its head gently.

"Watch the house Elijah my love we'll be off for the market for a time, Trevor passed in the night so I'll be having Kelly send someone sometime while we shop."

"Okay mommy"

"My sweet boy...we'll be home soon and I'll bring you a treat even."

    He spread his wings flapping them quickly in joy earning giggles from his mother as she left the room leaving the door cracked open for him. Stella was found waiting downstairs in the kitchen patiently with cloak in hand. Raising up once her mother set foot from the stairs Stella turned tail and ran outside ahead of her, impatient to leave just like always.

"Come on Momma!!"

"I'm coming, I'm coming, let me lock up silly girl."

    Stella ran towards the canopy covered path in a heart beat as Mina walked out of the kitchen side door pulling a wooden wand from the hidden pocket inside her cloak. Holding it out towards her home a dark green spark spit out sending a static charge through the wood fibers of her home watching a spell circle appear and dissipate. The market was a witches treasure trove; anything from spell books and wands, normal home necessities to servants or humans with odd gifts. Stella had always enjoyed going and the older witches loved her for her enthusiasm and care free nature. The pair walked for just a bit, Mina taking the time to teach her daughter anything about nature until the path seemed to dissolve and end into a clear opening. Guiding Stella off to the side of her removing the hidden wand once again mumbling words Stella couldn't even comprehend as she walked through something that could only be described as a see-through curtain that cut the world in half exposing brick paths and stalls hidden from view. Stepping through with her mother not far the pair walked hand in hand among witches, warlocks and other creatures to begin their shopping as the curtain fell back into place hiding them away. Stella smiled running on ahead after only a few stalls releasing her mothers hand to greet the very first person she hugged every time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2020 ⏰

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