01| The Spirit That Gave Him a Chance.

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Mike sigh, as he put on his 'Security' hat on as he looked at his watch '5:40' as he stop looking at his watch as he button on his shirt, he had another shift at the 'New Improved' Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria, Doll knock on the door as Mike look at him self in the mirror as he adjust his hat to make it straight, he turn around "Come in." Mike said, Doll came in, as she smiled "Well ready for your your shift?" She asked smiled Mike nodded "Ready." Mike smiled, as he felt his face felt red Doll walked to him as she kiss him on the cheek "Good luck, and be safe!" She said Mike smiled and gave her a quick kiss "Thank you, I will." Mike said as he exit out the door as he walk down the halls "Bye Doll! See you in a few hours!" Mike yelled and walk to the front door and go in his car and he start the engine and drove to his work.
As soon as he arrive he parked his car for the reserved, as he got out the car and lock his car door and walked to the front door of the pizzeria as he open it and walked through the hall to the office, he looked around as he walked as he walked in the office, Mike gave a blank face as he saw Jeremy siting there waiting "Oh, your here early." Mike grunt , Jeremy put the monitor down as he nodded "Y-yeah i am." He said quietly, Mike walked around as he looked at his watch '5:58' Mike looked up and sigh, as the time hit 6:00, the phone rang

"Hello hello! See? I told you you wouldn't have any problems!
Did...uh... Did Foxy ever appear in the hallway? Probably not. I was just curious. Like I said, he was always my favorite. They tried to remake Foxy, ya know? Uh, they thought the first one was too scary, so they redesigned him to be more kid-friendly and put him in Kid's Cove. To keep the toddlers entertained, you know... But kids these days just can't keep their hands to themselves. The staff literally has to put Foxy back together after every shift. So eventually they stopped trying and left him as some 'take apart and put back together' attraction. Now he's just a mess of parts. I think the employees refer to him as just 'The Mangle.'Uh...

Oh, hey, before I go, uh, I wanted to ease your mind about any rumors you might have heard lately. You know how these local stories come and go and seldom mean anything. I can personally assure you that, whatever is going on out there, and however tragic it may be, has nothing to do with our establishment. It's just all rumor and speculation... People trying to make a buck. You know... Uh, our guard during the day has reported nothing unusual. And he's on watch from opening til close.

Okay, well anyway, hang in there and I'll talk to you tomorrow."
Jeremy looked at Mike "The Mangle?" He Said, Jeremy said tilted his head Jeremy check every cam as he found him "There's the Mangle.." Jeremy said as he pointed at it, Mike walk next to Jeremy side, as Mike nodded as he walked back where he was standing he turn on his flash light to the halls as Jeremy check the animatronics, Mike looked at him "What?" Mike asked, "Toy Bonnie is gone." Jeremy said, as Mike felt a headache hit him hard like a baseball bat as Mike groan in pain "Argh!" Mike yelled, Jeremy got up as he walked to me, he slowly back up "M-Mike your ghost.." He said, Mike look up at Jeremy "Sorry, I thought they where in the office.." said the girl spirit, Jeremy nodded his head to a No "I don't mind." Said Jeremy as Mike got up, "You okay? Mike?" Asked the girl spirit, Mike nodded as he gone back to position the spirit girl follow him as she fade away, Jeremy looked at Mike "She must be alarmed." Jeremy explain, Mike looked at Jeremy and nodded "Yeah, she just protecting me." Mike explain to him, Jeremy nodded as he goes look at the monitor. Jeremy sigh as he notice that Chica 2.0 and Freddy 2.0 are missing, as Jeremy put the monitor down and wind the music, he check the cam to the Part/Service to check if all the Old one are still there and luckly they where.
Mike walk to the vent to check the turn on the light to check if the toy animatronic is there, Toy Chica waved at Mike "Hi, Michael~!" she said, Mike groaned "Go away!" Mike yelled, "I don't want you to twerk you're duck ass in here." Yelled Mike, as Toy Chica slowly crawl back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2015 ⏰

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