Chapter 1 Getting ready to move!

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Lilys pov:
I was in my room when my mom called me. She told me it was important.

"Lily im sorry but ur dad is being transferred to Charlotte, North Carolina" my mom said!

"WHY?" I screamed!

" I love it here! " I say

(Btw she lives in LA, California)

"I know sweetie but the change is for the better!" my mom said but I didn't care!

Then I started balling into tears and ran up to my room!
I had such a perfect life here in Cali!
I had my bestie Isabella, and I my apartment was right next to my best "big bros" Cam and Nash!
Now my life is over!

I ran next door so I could tell Cam and Nash but only Nash was there and answered the door.

Nash then said " hey lils what's up?
He must have noticed I was sad cause then he handed me tissues and said "its ok all guys are jerks but me! I'm the only hot and nice one in the world!😂
Then I got up and slapped him and said "no" and told him I was moving!😔

"Its ok" Nash said

"No it's not I'm moving away from my best and favorite (only) "big bros" I have!😔 I said sadly

Then he said " where r u moving?"

"North Carolina!"

"Omg really?! Dude I go like every week! Remember I use to live there?!" Nash face lit up!

"Oh ya" I said

"That's where Hayes lives 2 ya know!"😏😏 Nash said as I blushed!

I love Hayes! I've been begging Nash to tell Hayes to come to LA so I could meet him and he knows that I like him!

"What part of NC did u say ur moving to? Nash said with a smirk on his face? 😏

Then I said happily "Charlotte, NC"

Then Nash smiled and told me to start packing and said that he would go when we moved and would show me around the town and show me where my new high school Davison Day high school would be and would introduce me to Hayes! Then I ran home and told my mom! She was happy for me!
Then I asked "hey mom when r we leaving? "

" in 2 weeks" she said then I started packing!


2 weeks later ( aka the day of the move)

I ran up stares and said bye to my old life and getting ready to say Hello to my new life soon ahead!
Then my mom drove me to the airport where me and Nash would be going on an airplane to NC while my mom drove there in her car. My mom said I could go with Nash early so he could show me around and stay at there place till my mom got there!

At the airport!

"R u ready to start ur new life lils?" (That's what Nash calls me lils) Nash said happily! He was excited because he hadn't been home in 3 months!

"Yup" I said "I guess so" but inside I was fangirling while sad I'm leaving at the same time! But I was excited to finally meet Hayes and get to go to school with him and really meet him! Then I hear a noise

"Flight 63 is now boarding to North Carolina" the monitor said! Then me and Nash go outside on the (rale thingi whatever it's called to fly 1st class) cause we had to get 1st class because then all these fan girls will mob Nash with kisses and stuff! Yuck! I wouldn't want to see that right in front of me so we went 1st class and besides he's a celebrity!💁
Then we sat in Our seats! I sat down next to him and I got window seat because I love to see the beautiful sky! Then I fell asleep and I was woken up to.....
"Lily Lily Lily wake up!" Nash excitedly screamed!
"We're here"
"Sure we r! Now let me sleep" I said as I was grumpy and tired!
"No but we're really here look" he pointed to a beautiful sight of beautiful green scenery and looked friendly from just looking at the town.

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