Chapter 1 - The Sibling

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July 20, 1998

The young woman rolled over, cracking a single eye. She glared at the buzzing alarm clock for a full five minutes, before finally silencing it with the snap of her palm. She yawned loudly as she sat up and pushed several strand of sleep tangled hair out of her eyes. After contemplating whether or not she should call in sick, she finally gave in and swung her legs out of bed. She stood up, cracking her neck loudly, before stumbling into the bathroom.

Twenty-one year old Alexandra, or Alex as she preferred, was tall, standing at 5'9". She was also thin, but not in a sickly way. In fact one would best describe her build as athletic. She had a mess of jaw length white blonde hair and dark piercing cobalt blue eyes. Though her eyes were covered by dark sunglasses more often than not. She was also blessed with a pale pallor that no amount of tanning could darken. Ironically, she never burned either. Her features were soft yet prominent. All in all, she looked like the girl next door, of course looks could be deceiving.

Alex emerged from the bathroom thirty minutes later, wrapped in a towel and looking slightly more awake. She jerked open the drawer of her bureau. It took her less than thirty seconds to yank out a pair of stone washed jeans, several undergarments, and a faded R.P.D. tank top with the S.T.A.R.S. logo on the back. She'd stolen it from her brother, several months back, not that he'd ever notice it was missing. She pulled her hair back into a short ponytail as she headed for the front door.

She grabbed her sunglasses off a side table near the door, along with her car keys, and an I.D. badge. As she clipped the badge on one of the belt loops on her jeans, she reached under the table for the final item her job required...a 9mm Beretta. Alex popped the clip, nodded her approval and slide it back home. She looked thoughtful as she slipped a shoulder rig on and shoved the Beretta in the holster. Her job was to keep William Birkin alive and humans weren't the only things she had to protect him from.

No, Alexandra Wesker thought to herself, humans were her last concern...

Alex steered the Buick into traffic anxious to get to work, despite the fact she still had about two hours before she was supposed to be there. But with the news of the cannibal murders, and panic spreading like wildfire around Raccoon, she was sleeping less than usual, maybe four hours at a time. Meaning she was getting to work just that much earlier and being slightly less paranoid about Birkin's welfare that much earlier.

The news was saying it was a cult and the cops weren't saying a whole hell of a lot. Every other day or so Chief Irons would give a press conference, reassuring the public that everything was being done to find the culprits. In fact, Irons had announced just last night that he had assigned S.T.A.R.S. to the case. This seemed to calm the ignorant masses, unfortunately Alex was one of only a handful of people who really knew what was going on. Then again, she wasn't entirely sure what she was being told was the truth. But you didn't ask questions. If you did, you could find yourself becoming a science project with the snap of your employer's fingers.

Alex groaned as the trill of a cell phone cut over the radio. She knew who it was, even before she pulled the car over and yanked the cell out of the glove compartment.


"Alexandra, I need you to pick up several files from Dr. Wesker. Bring them with you."

Alex listened to the dial tone for a moment, before clicking the phone off, and tossing it on the passenger seat. She pulled the Buick back into traffic and headed toward the police station. Birkin, as far as Alex was concerned, really needed to learn a few people skills. She knew that would never happen, Birkin was too wrapped up in his precious G-Virus to worry about good manners. Most of the time he didn't even realize she was in the same room with him until he needed her to do something. Like running errands or being a middle man between him and her brother. It wasn't a coincidence that William Birkin's bodyguard/personal assistant was also the S.T.A.R.S. Captain's sister. Umbrella never dealt in coincidence, even if events sometimes appeared that way.

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