Chapter One

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Six months have passed, Kotoko and Jin are officially married and on their way to their honeymoon.

"Look the hotel we are going to have a bar-" Jin said but stopped when he sees Kotoko large stomach. She's seven months along in her pregnancy going to have another baby boy.

"Never mind..." Jin laughs.

Kotoko looks out the window watching the sky and they fly by. There wedding played freshly in her mind.
Two days earlier Kotoko stood in front a long mirror staring at her wedding dress that hugged her pregnant belly.

"Why am I doing this?" At this moment the baby kicked, "That's right for you." Kotoko sighs while rubbing her stomach.

Shigeo walls in with Kotoko's and Jin's ring bearer, her son Hiro.

"Woah momma you look pretty." Hiro exclaimed while playing with the tail of the dress.

"Thank you baby." Kotoko says while kissing his head.

"How is my grandbaby?" Shigeo asks while rubbing Kotoko belly.

"Well your daughter is fine, but the baby is healthy." Kotoko says sarcastically.

Shigeo laughs then kisses Kotoko cheek, "You ready to get married?"

"As I'll ever be..." Kotoko says while taking one last look into the mirror.
Here comes the bride played in the background as Kotoko walk down the isle.

Her eyes never left Jin, who to her seemed very handsome in his Five-Hundred dollar suit.

Once she got to him he grabbed ahold of her hand, he kissed it lightly. "You look beautiful." He whispered in her ear.

"Thank you..." Kotoko blushed.

She stood in front of a room full of her loved ones, getting married to what people would call "A Good Catch."

Rich, handsome, and kind. However she wasn't happy, she didn't want to marry under these circumstances. Having a baby with a man she barely knew.

She let out a worried sigh while looking into the crowd, and a certain someone caught her eyes in a plain dark blue suit.

He held an emotionless expression, he sat up straight watching her wedding. Nothing seems to bother him. He never loved her.

Kotoko pushes aside her feeling and forced her attention to the Priest.

"We are gathered here today..."


"You may now kiss the bride." Jin lifted up Kotoko vail and kissed her lightly.

"I now pronounce your man and wife." With that everyone cheered.

The newly weds made their way to the reception to greet their guest.

There was drinking, talking and dancing from almost everyone.

One man didn't feel it was the place to feel happy. He stood by his wife to be while sipping on a glass of champagne.

He was anything but cheerful about this wedding, more over the reason why it was happening.

"Doesn't Kotoko look great?" Sahoko gushes while pointing out Kotoko who was dancing with her father.

"Hmm." He answered while staring at her large belly.

It was an annoying reminder that she would never be his. However he would soon be in the same situation. Freshly Married with a baby on the way.

"Do you want to dance?" Sahoko asks hopeful.

He didn't want to but to keep her happy he agreed, she led him to the dance floor where she wrapped an arm around her waist and the other cupped her hand.

As they moved she placed her head onto his shoulder "I can't wait til we have a family." Sahoko said.

"Yeah not to long from now." This made Sahoko stopped.

"Oh right yeah." This didn't settle for Naoki

"What do you mean yeah right?" He asks

"N-Nothing. I just forgot."

"How could you forget youre pregnant?" He asks them it him.

"You're not really pregnant, are you?"

Sahoko began to laugh worriedly "what of course I am."

Naoki stopped in place "You lied to me!" He stormed off.

"Wait Naoki!" Sahoko ran after him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2020 ⏰

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