The Poet

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A girl with raven hair and midnight eyes stares at the journal in front of her, a pen in her hand. Sentences written down on one page while the one next to it was blank. She scrawled her messy writing across the page, each word, each sentence filled with emotions. Fire burning from her throat and onto pages, she kicked up a tsunami of emotions. She creates writings that expressed what she feels from the deepest depths of her soul. Lines after lines she writes something to draw people in, to experience the emotions she feels. Her writing could bring emotions out of anyone, have them feeling things they never thought they would feel. The love, the pain, the sadness, the happiness, everything seeps out from the pages. Poems can connect people, a poet can bring anyone to tears. A poet can create something that will even bring the strongest to their knees. This raven-haired princess with stars across her skins and a galaxy in her eyes is a poet. She is the poet of her story.


Created - July 24th, 2020

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