Move on

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All her life she had been ignored

Constantly reminded of what she could not afford

Pulled by her chestnut brown hair

Mocked because she was not fair

Teased about her weight

Looked down upon because of her financial state

Avoided by all

Never did a hand pick her up when she would fall

But she held no hate in her heart

Cleansed it of jealousy , from the start

And moved on

Even her father breathed his last and was gone

She remained strong

She never let anyone hold her back

She always stayed on the right track

Worked hard, and earned a living

Towards the poor and needy, she was caring and giving

She got married and started a family

And lived happily

When she became an old lady of eighty five

In her heart, she was thankful for all the blessings she had and a happy tear escaped her eyes

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