Chapter One - Maid of Honor

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Dorothy's POV

The stars shined and the music swelled as the bride and groom exchanged their vows. "Alison, I give you this ring as a token of my constant faith and abiding love," Sam said.

"And Samuel, I give you this ring as a token of my constant faith and abiding love," Alison said.

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may now kiss," the officiant said.

He swept her into his arms and pressed his lips to hers for the first kiss of the rest of their lives. They broke away in shock at the sound of the fireworks. "Ali, did you plan this? I know you always dreamed of fireworks at our wedding," Sam said.

"No, I didn't plan this..." Alison said. She looked straight at me, her maid of honor. "But I think I know who did."

Some people say that the most important day of one's life should be a wedding. And for me, that was true. It just wasn't my own. Now where was I? Oh, right. Ali and Sam's wedding, AKA, the most important day of my life. It was a little over an hour later, and Sam's best man was finishing up his toast. "So here's to Sam. I've met few with sharper brains, and none with bigger hearts," the best man said.

"Hear, hear!" I exclaimed.

And with that, everyone raised their glasses. Alison stood. Oh no, that means it's time for, "Thank you. Now it's time to hear from my maid of honor, lifelong best friend, and partner in crime, Ms. Dorothy Cummings!" Alison exclaimed.

"Thanks, Ali. It's an honor to be your maid of honor for the second time," I said. I got a few gasps at that, and Ali looked at me like 'WTF, Dorothy?' I just grinned. "Oh, Sam, she didn't tell you? Ali's first wedding was actually in second grade to Jimmy Mathis. It was a really beautiful moment, but then Jimmy Mathis decided to leave the ceremony early to go play tag with the boys.

"Awww... Poor Ali," a young guest said.

"But I think it's for the best. If things had worked out with Jimmy Mathis, she wouldn't have ever found true love with Sam," I said. "We've come a long way since then, moving from small town Jersey to the Big Apple together. And, more than anything... I'd like to thank her for teaching me the value of friendship. I've never found anyone as selfless, generous, empathetic, or just plain good as her.

"Aww..." Alison said.

"I hope I've been able to be even half as wonderful in return," I said. "Here's to you, Alison. And here's to Sam, who knows how to pick 'em."

Everyone raised their glasses. I glanced over at Ali to see her with the biggest grin I've seen on her face since, well, since an hour ago when Sam slid the ring on her finger. "Thank you, Dorothy. Now, I'm sure you're all full from dinner, so let's work it off on the dance floor!" Sam exclaimed.

With that, several couples headed to the dance floor, and several singles headed to the buffet for seconds. I, of course, was in the latter category. Helloooo, buffet. I was scooping up another helping of those garlic mashed potatoes when I heard someone mutter next to me, "Novelty heating devices," the best man said.

"Huh?" I asked.

I looked up from the table to see the best man inspecting the serving stations with interest. Okay, so this wasn't the first time I'd laid eyes on Sam's best man, but it's the first time I'd gotten to really look at him. And the more I looked, the more I was convinced that this guy must be a male model or something. "They're using a variety of quirky heating devices to keep the food warm at this buffet table. It's a nice touch," the best man said.

Oh, right, I asked him what he was talking about. "Thank you, I'll pass on your compliment to the caterers..." I said. Crud, what was possible male models best man's name again? "Brayden."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2020 ⏰

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