bringing bum home

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"Ok sangwoo im going out i love you" you say and kiss his head lightly.
"How long will you be and where are you going?" He asks and looks at you worried.
"Im going to my friends house they said they need help with something" he nods
"Ok i love you too please be careful"
"I will and while im gone please dont get cum all over again and if you do please clean it up" he rolls his eyes.
"It happend three times" you giggle and walk out. You go to your friends and ask you walk in you see her holding something in a blanket as you hear whimpers.
"What is that?" You ask a little to loud and you see the thing jump.
"A neko" she says and rubs its back.
"Why is it whimpering?" You ask getting closer.
"Hes very malnourished and his legs are broken"
"Where did you find him?" You ask and sit by her to see if you can see his face but hes nuzzled into her neck.
"In a dumpster a few days ago i took him to the vet and they said he shouldn't have survived to yesterday but hes still alive and if he stays alive that is great but i cant take care of him and if i take him back they will put him down so i was wandering if you would take him" you look at her shocked.
"Um i-i dont know i already take care of one"
"Yeah i know but you are the only person i know that has a neko that doesnt use them a house maids ot sex slaves" you cring at the thought of him going to a house where that is what will happen to him.
"Let me hold him while i decide if i can" you say and she sets him in your lap he looks at you and you see his dark locks that hang in his face. You smile at him but he doesnt react. He lays on your chest and still whimpers. You try to decide. You think of the cons first.
1. Sangwoo may hate him
2. Sangwoo can get aggressive
3. He may be expensive
4. You'll have to get him a bed and other living supplies which are not cheap
5. You dont know what he is like or if he needs any special treatments
6. He may die
But on the other hand
1. Sangwoo may like his company
2. You would be saving his life
Though there is more cons then pros you decide to take care of him.
"Ill take him" you say to your friend she smiles and gets some pill bottles.
"These are for his legs" she says and tells you how much to give him and how offten along with his diet he should have since he is so malnourished and if you just start feeding him a bunch he may get sick.
"Ok thank you." You say and put the pills in your pocket and start walking out. He holds on you really tightly. You get to your car and take him home you walk in and sangwoo comes out of the room to greet you but he freezes when he sees ths boy.
"Whats that?" He says as he walks over sniffing the air.
"Another neko" he stops.
"A what?" He says looking kind of upset with you.
"Im sorry sangwoo but we need to take care of him he is very sickly" you say and he yanks the boy out of your arms.
"SANGWOO?!" you yell as sangwoo runs to his room with the boy. The boy yelps as the door slams in your face. You hear the lock click. You try to open the door but then grab your keys and unlock it you open it to sangwoo ripping the boys clothes off you know exactly what he is trying to do.
"SANGWOO STOP!!" You yell but he doesnt flinch so you go over and grab sangwoo by the collor he chokes and falls back. You look at the boy who just lays there.
"Why do you have to be horny all the damn time" you ask sangwoo.
"Cause you wont let me mate with you." He says and crosses his arms.
"I already told you that is weird cause you are half dog"
"The only damn thing that is dog is my ears and tail"
"And your knot on your dick along with the claws on your fingers and your teeth" he growls at you
"Fuck off" you roll your eyes and pick the boy up.
"Your getting punished later you little shit" you say to him and walk out. You take the boy to your room and lock the door.
"You didnt have to stop him" the boys says.
"What?" You ask shocked he even talked.
"Its ok for him to do that." He says sad.
"Not unless you want it and you arent as small as you are he could hurt you so much." The boy shrugs. You lay him on your bed.
"Stay here i have to punish him now" you get something from your drawer. He nods and you walk out and go to sangwoos room.
"If its the punishment i think it is im going to hit you" he says and you hold up the cock ring. He snarls at you. It may sound weird to put a cock ring on him but his favorite thing to do is masturbate so this is a good punishment.
"Now be good and take your damn pants off now" he throws a raw hide bone at you and it almost hits your face. You get pissed and run over and pounce on him you sit on his face thinking it wont end bad. You take his pants off but then you feel him rip you pants and before you and able to lift off he grabs your thighs and shoves in tounge in you. You grab his cock and put the ring on and lock it behind his knot so he cant take it off. He growl and you try harder to get away from him but you cant so you grab his cock and dig a finger nail into it. He yelps and lets you go. He grabs his dick.
"You fucking bitch that fucking hurt" he yells at you.
"Well think about that next time you do gross shit to me" he snarls and you stand and get to your room.
"Is it ok to get changed in front of you?" You ask the boy who nods. You take your pants off and then your shirt.
"I-i can see why sangwoo would want to mate with you" the boy says while looking at you blushing. You giggle.
"Thanks and whats your name by the way?"
"Yoonbum but you can call me bum" he says and you think for a moment.
"Can i call you bummy?" He nods and slightly smiles then you hear a crash in sangwoos room. You run out and see sangwoo on the floor trying to take the ring off.
"You arent going to get it off"
He looks up at you in nothing but your bra and panties he stands up and grabs you.
"Let me mate with you please" he asks kissing your neck.
"No get off before i put you in the fucking cage" he growls but still kisses your neck.
"Come on im a virgin i dont want to be any more" he whines.
"Well that fucking sucks but if you keep acting like this ill pay that five thousand to get your dick chopped off" he stops.
"You wouldnt" he looks at you shocked.
"Yes i would so no more touching me or bummy with out consent or off goes your dick" he puts his hands up.
"Fine" he sits on the bed. You walk out and go to your room. You see bum in your bed sleeping. You check his pulse to make sure he is not dead and when you feel his heart beat you smile and get dressed. Sangwoo walks in and sees bum in your bed.
"He gets to sleep with you?" He asks kind of offended.
"Yeah till i get him a bed and you know the reason youre not a allowed in my bed is cause you always touch me" he rolls hia eyes and walks over to bum. He sits on the bed and moves bum hair out of his face.
"Hes ugly" sangwoo says and bum wakes up.
"N-no im not" bum says tearing up.
"Damnit dont cry you are going to get me punished again" sangwoo says and you look at them.  Sangwoo looks like he is freaking out and bum is crying.
"Boys why dont you stay away from eachother for now" sangwoo nods and walks off. You walk over to bum and wipe his tears off you check the time.
"You hungry buddy?" You ask and he nods. "Hey sangwoo come in here" he comes in.
"I have to go to the store if i come back to him hurt or hear you touched him in anyway other than like cuddles or some shit that is innocent your dick is gone if i hear you were a good boy ill take the cock ring off" he nods.
"I-is he able to cuddle with me?" Bum asks shyly.
"Mhm but if he touches you inappropriately then tell me" he nods and makes grabby hands at sangwoo. Sangwoo just turns around and walks off leaving bum sad you walk over and kiss bums head and smell how bad he smells.
"After dinner im going to give you a bath" sangwoo runs in.
"Bath time when is bath time?!" He says really excited since he love the atteion during bathtime.
"After dinner but you dont need a bath you took one last night." He frowns.
"I can take a bath with him ill be nice ill help you" he begs.
"Fine" you say and walk over and kiss his head.
"I love you please be good"
"I love you too please be safe" he says and kisses your head back.
You giggle and walk off and out the door to get food.
Sangwoo sits on the bed by bum.
"How did you get in such bad condition?" He asks.
"My owner didnt want me so he threw me out and i ran into a gang of stray nekos and they beat me thats how my legs got broke and i could barely walk so i starved and i ran into a group of human boys who threw me into a dumpster" sangwoo looks at him saddend.
"Damn you have been through alot" sangwoo says and caresses his cheek. Bum blushes.
"Are you blushing?" Sangwoo asks and smirks. Bum hides his.face.
"No its ok it happens and i dont blame you i am the hottest neko around" (i just relized that neko may only be a cat human mix but im not going back and changing it if you have a problem with it just suck my dick)
Bum giggles.
"You could have mated with me i would have let you" sangwoo freezes.
"Really?" He asks and bum nods.
"But master says im to small right now and you could hurt me badly" he sighs.
"Well if you want it when you get better ill mate with you" sangwoo rolls bum onto his back and takes the blanket off showing his extremly small frame.
"W-what are you doing?" Bum asks.
"A demo of what you'll get when we mate" bum freezes as sangwoo kisses his neck.
"Dont kiss me i smell bad" bum pushes him off.
"Ok sorry dont tell (y/n) about it"
"Is that masters name?"
"Yeah dont call her master she don't like it" bum nods and sits up.
"Anyway you still down for the cuddles?" Bum nods and sangwoo picks him up and takes him to his room bum looks around and smiles. Sangwoo sits down and has bum on his lap. They fall asleep.

neko sangwoo x neko bum with reader as ownerWhere stories live. Discover now