adoption day

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(the main characters name is gracie or G btw)

i was woken up to the sound of banging on my door Ms.C "get your lazy ass up now and get ready its adoption day" i groan and just go get in the shower. when i get out i put on my outfit for the day.

 when i get out i put on my outfit for the day

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and do my hair

i walk down stairs to see all the girls my age freaking out, i walk to the front, where everyone was and see to guys that look about 18 or something

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i walk down stairs to see all the girls my age freaking out, i walk to the front, where everyone was and see to guys that look about 18 or something.i just walk back to the stairs because i don't care who they are, i sit down, put in my headphones and start listening to music. one of the boys walk over to me but i just ignore it and continue to listen to my music. he finally starts talking to me.

??:hi my names josh

G:the names gracie


G:yea ik 

JJ:ok then 

he walks away and i head back up to my room knowing i wouldn't get adopted. but before i could sit down Ms.C came over the intercom "gracie get down to my office" i didn't really care because i had been in her office a lot so was probably in trouble again or something. when i get to her office i see the two men who i saw earlier there.

G: great what now

Ms.c: go pack your bags these men adopted you

G: yea, yea whatever

i walk back up to my room with excitement but i didn't want anyone to know that so i didn't have any emotion. i pack all my stuff in my book bag and grab my skateboard. i cant wait to leave this place. i see josh and the other guy waiting at the door for me.

JH: you ready to go

G: GOD, i can't wait to get out of here

we all laugh a little and head out to the car i put my stuff in the backseat and get in the passenger seat

G: i call shotgun

??: damn, ok then

G: sucks to suck

i giggled a little after i said that then josh started to talk

JH: ok so you already know who i am but the one in the back is Anthony

A: yo

G: ok soooo, is it just you two or are there more

JH:there's 3 other dude's at the house and my girlfriend comes over a lot 

G: ok whatever

after that i just fell asleep for the rest of the ride

adopted by josh richardsWhere stories live. Discover now