At school

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It was just a normal day you went to school then studied untill you saw the clock in the class .It was already 11 pm so you packed your bag in a hurry and went to the corridor .You saw that all the lights were off in the whole school so you opened your flash on your phone then you started to walk towards to the door you tried to push the door and it didn't open then you tried to pull it but it still didn't open you were panicking because you knew no one would be at the school on this time you tried to call your mom to pick you up when your phone shut down (because you were using the flash and also didn't have that much charge)you tried to open it but your phones charge was finished you looked all over your bag trying to find your charger but you couldn't find it then you remembered that you forgot bring your charger to school today . You started panicking again and then you heard someone walk towards you .you started to walk back because you were scared until you heard someone's voice it was someone you knew but you just couldn't remember whose voice was it he said "y/n ?" Then you said " who are you ?" " I'm your classmate jaehyun " (he was so popular in your school and even in the near schools so you were shocked) "ohh jaehyun what are you doing here this late ?" " i was studying until i saw the time    then I started to walk to the door until i saw you  and what are you doing here " " the same reason i was studying too " " do you have charge on your phone " " sadly no my phone just  closed  and i didn't bring a charger " "oh how bad my phone doesn't have charge too . Well looks like we are going to stay at school till tomorrow " "but tomorrow is Saturday " "oh shit "  you guys talked and sat down on the floor until  both of you heard a thunder and it started to rain , since you were scared of thunders you closed your eyes and jaehyun also understand that you were scared of thunders so  he placed your head gently on his shoulder and put his hand on your shoulder so won't be scared (or be less scared)  you tried to take your head off his shoulder but he put it back you were shocked and started to blush because he was known for being cold and his nickname was ice prince  you tried to cover your blushing face with your hands once he saw that he took both of your hands with his big hand since your  hand was small he could easily hold both of your hands   both of you started to feel sleepy  you slowly closed your eyes so he did .when you woke up you saw the cleaning lady and the  guard admiring how you guys looked so cute .then you saw that also he was awake but couldn't get up because your head was on his shoulder once you saw that you  took your head of his shoulder and stood up  so he did then both of you started to take your bags on the floor and went to home .

Sorry this doesn't have any romantic moments but hope you guys liked it 🙂

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2020 ⏰

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On midnight at school with Jaehyun Where stories live. Discover now