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You and dream are internet best friend, but you two didn't know each other faces, your first encounter is that dream invited you to a 1v1 it's just you and dream on a pvp.

You won on the pvp, and dream is asking for a rematch you laugh and accepted him and again he lose.

Dream: Wow, you're really good at this.
You: Thx

Dream: do you wanna play with me in a world difficulty on Hardcore?
You: sure I guess.. No ones really invited me to a world but i guess I could join :)

Dream invited you to his world and you accepted is and you two were on call in discord.

"Hi.." You said shyly.

"Oh hello (username), nice to meet you" dream said

You talked to each other while collecting resources and building a shelter on the first night.

"Oh so your name is Y/N, that's a cute name for a cat." Dream tease.

"At least my name is not Clay." You both laughed.

"So N/N (nickname), where do we build the farm?" Dream said

"Let's build it nearby our shelter, because we will be upgrading our home."

"I- uhh I mean your home and uh..." You lost your track of word

"It's okay we can share in the same roof." You happily accept it.

--after a year--

You and dream are 'very' closed now,
you both met Georgenotfound and Sapnap.

Dream make his YT channel and he quickly gain subscriber doing speedrun in minecraft. You told dream that you're gonna show up rarely on DreamTeam. You are always spectator on every recording of manhunt.

You always muted you mic so that they cant hear your voice while dream is recording manhunt with Geoge, Sapnap and BBH.

"Oh dreaaaaam" BBH said while exploring the cave that dream's are in.

Dream crouching behind BBH with full iron armor, while BBH has a Iron Chestplate and leggings. Dream hit BBH and you were laughing so hard

"COME HERE BAAAAD!!" dream said while chasing BBH

"OHHH SHOOOT!!" BBH finding his way to get out of the cave.

"HELPPP MEEE MUFFIN HEADSS!!" BBH asking help for his team.

"Aight I'm coming there" george say.

Dream Drank strength potion, and hit George.

"AAAAAAAHHHH!! HE DEALT SO MUCHHH DAMAAAAAGEEEE!!!" george run along with sapnap and BBH

Many minutes passed the recording finally finished.

Dream defeated the ender dragon that means dream won against the hunter.

"You guys really made my day." You said while laughing.

"Dream why don't N/N join us?" George said.

"I-" someone cut me off

"Yea dream, I mean she's good at killing you." Sapnap said while giggling

"Well if she wanna join... I would happily to hear that, she is just shy." Dream stated the truth.

"Oh come on now N/N, we're here for you." BBH said.

"So N/N, do you wanna join with us?" Dream said with a hint of excitement.

"Sure, I'm gonna join you guys."

"Yeeeeeessssss heheheh" George said, damn george really is a cutiepie.

"Welcome to the club" Sapnap said.

"Idiot, she's really in the Team." Dream didn't get the joke.

"Alright guys let's play tomorrow." BBH said.

George, Sapnap and BBH left the call.

"Y/N..." Dream said in a serious tone, damn he's attractive.

"Oh C'mon Clay, You will be dead in the next manhunt." I said to dream and I laughed.

"Oh we're still in the group call, I'll call you." Dream left the call and called you in your dms

You left too and see the group chat

Sapnap: George You really gonna bleed my ears for your screeching noises

Georgenotfound: lol Im sorry about that is that dream always targeting me

BBH: of course he will, you're funny to be his target, stick to N/N she will make dream scream

You: Oh hellllll yessssss.

Dream: N o .
           [😂 3]

Sapnap: Let's see in the next manhunt.

After that dream is calling you.

"Hey!" I said.

"Hey Baby." Dream said in serious tone and try holding his laugh, you don't want to be called by that.

-Y/N left the call-

*Dream POV*

I was laughing so hard, I just called Y/N a baby again, it was start when her mom said 'baby dinner is ready' and I start teasing her like that.

Dream: Im sorry!!! XD

You: :(
        [ 😂 1]

Dream: okay, Y/N Im very sorry..  :{

You: okay wanna play now?

Dream: Sure! ^^

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