Chapter One

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This is my first story so you don't like it then answer to my frying pan. UPDATE* this is in the midst of being rewritten, til then some chapters will make sense, and some won't. Happy Reading!

Jamie had been sitting on the floor of her shared room with earphones in, listening to her music on her iPod shuffle, her most prized possession. It had been given to her as a birthday gift last year by a friend, it was the only present she's ever received from anyone since her mother died.

Katherine, Jamie's younger sister, was asleep on their makeshift bed (which was just a dirty mattress on the floor). Jamie started at Katherine for a long time. Her light brown, long, matted hair hanging in her face. Her dirty hand-me-down hanging off her small pale frame.

Her starring was interrupted by the door slamming open to reveal their father. He reeked of alcohol and he could barely stand up because of how sloshed he was.

Jamie ripped the ear buds out of her ears and shoved them under her leg, knowing that if her father saw the music player, it'd be smashed to bits.

He took a couple wobbly steps toward Jamie. Jamie got tenser with each unstable step he took, scarred of getting hit. "You!" He attempted to point in her direction but missed by a couple inches. "You, are not...going to school... Til those marks heal!" He slurred like hell, but Jamie could still understand what he was saying.

"B-but I-" the eldest sister started.

"What?!" Her father shouted. "I take.. of you...and you r..repay me by backtalking?!". He raised his hand to strike her across the face. He struck her hard enough to make her fall from her sitting position on her knees to laying on the floor. She had a big red hand print left on her face.

At this point Katherine was woken by all the commotion. She crawled off the makeshift bed to go help her sister up, only to be pushed down in her butt by their drunk if a father. "D..don't help her! Dirt be...belongs on the floor!". With that he left, slamming the door shut behind him.

They didn't go to school very often. He always afraid of one of the faculty members calling the police and reporting our marks. He didn't want to go jail. Then again, who does?

The saddest part of it all was, Katherine thought this was how parents were suppose to act toward their children. She only a small child when their mom died, so she had no idea how a loving parent was suppose to act.

Jamie and Kat crawled into their poor excuse for a bed. Within minutes Kat was fast asleep. Jamie always stayed up. She was worried that their father might try something while she slept.

Jamie had eventually fallen asleep, only to be awoken around 2 in the morning to the sound of the window in their room opening. She didn't care about what it was, it could be a murderer here to gut her for all she cared, she just wanted sleep.

She heard feet hit the floor and the window slam shut, she figured it was all just a dream and tried to focus on her comfort in the dingy cold mattress. Only when she heard Katherine's shriek did she wake. Her eyes shot open and she body sprung up.

The outline of a person was the only thing she could make out in the dark, despite not being able to see her reflexes kicked in. She sprung off the bed and tackled the figure to the floor. She didn't what nor where she was hitting, but she kept swinging til she felt a sharp pain in her thigh.

She fell on her side clutching her leg. In the moonlight she could now make out more features of the mysterious figure. It was a boy, he looked around 16-18, and looked to be in some sort of tunic.

Kat was at the door banging and rattling the door knob trying to get it open, and with no such luck. Our "father" kept it locked during the nights so we wouldn't get out and go rob him or run away or something.

The boy was standing over Jamie holding the knife ready to strike me, when the door flung open, smacking into Katherine. In stormed their dad wanting to know what the hell they were doing.

The boy had left back out the window he came through, throwing his long knife in the process. Their father came in screaming that they weren't suppose to have friends here.

"You whore! That was probably your little boyfriend, wasn't it?!". He shouted at Jamie. She saw no point in denying, she'd get beaten either way.

Jamie was shoved down, her face touching the cold floor. She could her the sounds of clothing being moved around and her fathers hitting the ground. Oh god no! She thought."Yeah, I bet you'll like this you slut!" Her father yelled as he shoved Jamie's pants down. She could hear Katherine whimpering and sobbing in the background.

She felt around the floor for anything to defend herself with, when finally she felt the handle of the knife the boy dropped. She swung the knife behind her hoping to him. He froze right before he had entered her. He fell back clutching his bleeding chest, where Jamie had struck him. His nonsense mumbling and Kat's screaming were all that could be heard.  Blood rushing from his wound and onto the wood floor.

Jamie was frozen with fear. Had she really just...? She dreamt about but never actually had the guts to! She actually did it...

She finally killed the man whose been constantly tormenting her for years.

Her father was dead... She killed him.... She had to run.

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