Animal Crossing

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The other side of the bed creaked and dipped as John turned over to face you. He was only faintly awake that early in the morning, head still groggy but ready to bring you in close and fall back to sleep.

It was the dim lit shine of a game console that made him squint, the clicks of buttons drawing him out of his dazed state. You were facing him but curled inwards, with the blanket pulled up to your ears and lidded eyes droned into a Nintendo Switch screen.

"Babe?" He mumbled, eyebrows furrowed as he wormed closer to you, "What are you doing?"

You looked up at the sound of his voice, blinking hard but slow in disoriented sleepiness. "Animal Crossing," You said, the words coming out hoarse and quiet.

"Animal Crossing," He repeated, seemingly starting to perk up as an incredulous smile found his face. "What time is it?"

John wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling himself into you so the device was your only divider. You looked back down to your game, nosing your ankles to intertwine with his.

"Almost six."

He groaned, head falling down into the cushion of the pillows as he let his eyes shut again. "Why are you awake so early? The game isn't going anywhere."

"I got K.K. Slider today! Terraforming can't wait," You said in a hush, voice followed by silence and the clacks of the console's joystick.

A low hum was the last thing heard from John before he dozed back into sleep, his face so close you could feel his breath against your forehead.

It was another twenty minutes lost into the game before you could pull yourself out of it. You turned off the device and left it on the side table, turning your attention back to the sleeping man pressed against you.

Letting your body relax into the mattress, you nudged your head towards John's chest and shut your eyes. His arms pulled you close even unconsciously, so you could fall back asleep with sunshine shading the room through the curtain fabric.


You woke up to John nuzzling against your shoulder, a couple hours having passed since you two dozed off again.

"Finally decided to put down the game earlier?" He said with a tease in his voice.

You curled a longer strand of his hair around your finger and gave it a tug, smiling at the puff of breath you felt against your skin.

"It could wait, I guess. Cuddling you, on the other hand, could not. Stupid."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2020 ⏰

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