One mega fan

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WHOOSH a dart whizzed past head agent Louis Diaz. He did not looked amused as his eyes travelled to the blushing agent who was trying not to catch her superiors extremely superior look.

"Agent Alex" Agent Louis addressed the girl with exasperation. she was an amazing detective and no no one could say no to that, her mind was a super computer but unlike one, she could grow bored the world with no puzzles seemed to her a world with no water.

"Yes Agent?" Agent Harrisson jumped at her name being called out. She looked like an expectant puppy waiting for the stick to be thrown so that she could retrieve it.

"Try not to kill anyone agent" he said as he walked away.


Meanwhile somewhere far away someone was smiling a gruesome smile like that of a grown child on christmas day.

He walked down a forest path humming to himself carrying a duffel bag.

And when he reached the place intended he started arranging the props he had slowly and carefully with absolute preception.

He created the ultimate theater for his little play of fortune.

Then he reached for the star of his little theatrics

A child, might have been a doll fast asleep it seemed wearing a bow and then he walked away into the mist.

"Harrison! Carter! into my office right now"

Agent Diaz did not sound amused.

Agent Alex wondered wether this was concerning the ongoing fued with Agent William Carter.

He was the playboy of the agency and she was the super computer she got along with everyone with one exception. Of course

Agent Carter gave her a wink as he ascended the steel steps that led to the the birds perch the eyes of the entire operation in I.A.W.W

The birds perch was cube like structure constructed purely of glass.

Agent Harris braced herself as she walked up the steps.

Agent Diaz had his back to them Agents Harrison and Carter positioned themselves as far as possible from each other.

Agent Diaz noticed this the minute  he turned.

This would be a difficult relationship but the two of them were the best agents and they were desperate.

"O.K you two I want youll to listen to me very carefully. the agents perked up from their perches.

"Theres a seriel killer on the lose" Agent Diaz told this to his two star agents in a very grimm persona

Now, I.A.W.W was a very prestigious network only the most difficult cases find their way into the hands of this agency.

If this was a case of a serial killer then everyone understood that this serial killer was no ordinary serial killer.

"Sir whats the position we have on this serial killer?" Carter asked.

"There have been Four killings. 27 year old girl, 33 year old male, 19 year old girl and the most disturbing is a 5 year old"

Agent Diaz did not look pleased with the last report.

He looked disgusted this is most unusual as agent mostly do not show their personal feelings towards the cases as it interferes with the case.

"Now the most warped aspect of this case is that the killer brings out the murder of the people in the character of various fairy tale characters"

"The first is sleeping beauty she was found in play castle on the poole table. The second is presumably Prince charming he was burned to death and was placed in front of the dragon in Excel World. The 19 year old was belle in beauty and the beast we found her in the county ballroom it was a drug induced heart attack. And um the last the 5 year old girl we locals found her in the woods mauled to death our doctors tell that it was by dogs saliva found on the body indicated that there was drugs given to the dog and she was wearing a red cape so you know who we are talking about"

Agents Carter and Harrison looked disgusted their faces contorted with disgust.

"Everything else you need is in the file"

Agent Diaz held out the file both agents reached out to take it but when their hands contacted each other they moved back as fast as lightning.

"Now Agents I hope bothof you can work togethr there wont be a problem now would there?"

"no sir"the two answered in union.

"then one of you can take this file both of you will be working together" Diaz gave them a meaningful look. The agents began to protest they were furious absolutely storming.

"No exceptions the two you'll will work together and I forgot to mention you'll will be flying to Great Britain in the morning"

Agents Harrison and Carter began to argue, again.

"But agent Diaz we won-"

"Ah Ah no buts no go and remember alot of people are counting on this agency to bring justice so don't let the agency down"

The agents began to walk out of the room when agent Diaz let out a noticeable cough as he looked down and was beginning to write he held out the file with his left hand agent Carter grabbed it thanked the agent and pushed Agent Harrison out of the room.

The two of the descended the stairway carters hand still on Harrison's arm he led her to a secluded corridor and held the file to her face by this time Harrison's face was a tomato red. Carter looked at her face with a hint of amusement and laughter evident in his eyes.

"This is an important case Harrison so we have to work together understood?" he asked.

Agent Harrison pulled her hand away from him indignant. "You don't have to tell me how important it is"

Carter smiled and gave her the file and started to walk away.

"Good bye Harrison. This is the beginning of something beautiful" Carter kept walking "I'll see you tomorrow morning"

Agent Harrison was left alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2015 ⏰

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