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Getting a clear view of the setting sun in the heart of the city is close to impossible. At the moment, I'm struggling to look past the huge skyscraper just to have a glimpse but to no avail. Such a bold reminder that I'm not longer at home but in the city. I have been here for two weeks now and already starting to think that maybe this wasn't the best idea after all.

That should be running away from an unfavourable home in search for better pastures. I thought I would have a new life here and a smooth one as well but I don't think that will be happening any time soon. Especially not for an inexperienced lady like me with no supportive background or connections to help me find a job. Seemingly, things will be much harder than I had previously concluded.

Talking of connections though, I think I have a way. Kes, short for Keseli, my best friend and host. She told me she would speak to someone about my jobless situation and see if he can help. I hope that she did talk to him and found a solution. It doesn't matter how long it will last as long as it is a solution. If not, I will have to be patient and hold on a little longer. Well, even if staying home doing nothing is boring and makes you feel like a burden.

I hear the front door click open. Finally, she is home. My anxiety was almost getting the best of me. I close the balcony door and saunter into the house, heading for the living room of her one-bedroom apartment. It's not as huge as I would have imagined but the rooms are fairly spacious. That too, it has an affordable rent for a waitress working with Five Star Hotels. Her living room is adorned with black and white comfy couches from end to end. A modern black wooden table below the forty-inch screen fixed on the wall.

Additionally, three brown bean bags lie beautifully on her grey carpet. She likes to use them when watching. On her white walls are pictures of her, her parents and boyfriend, Jason. There are two paintings of her as well. One shows her in her graduation gown, with a huge smile on her face. The other one shows an upclose of her beautiful face. The painter has to be extremely talented as he captured every single detail of it.

Jason. He is a man created for the magazines and periodicals. One with a face for a mirror. He is a literal picture of the tall, dark chocolate and handsome. I like him despite my loathe towards the entire male species. As for Kes, she loves him with an intensity I do not and will never understand. She also trusts him with at least every bit of her soul, heart, body and mind. How she is able to do that, is as said, still a huge mystery to me.

Perhaps being brought up by a man who treasures her like she is the only reason he has to keep on living is the secret. Her dad loves her dearly and acknowledges her as his one and only child. His immense love for her must be the reason why she has a perfect picture of the damned male species. She is lucky to have seen that beautiful side of them. She wouldn't want to see the opposite. The one I have seen for nearly all of my life. It is ugly. Probably, it would make her sick.

Nevertheless, she has settled herself on the couch. Alongside her purse, beside her, is a shopping bag smelling of edibles. Immediately, my eyes bore into hers. They are sparkling with happiness. Of course, she has been out with him again. She always looks for chances to spend time with him. Both have tight schedules during the week and sneaking in through free periods is their only choice and chance at being together. Sometimes late in the evening or at night.

She makes it easy to wish for a man like that for myself. Though I dare not. I am sure one doesn't find such men anywhere and at anytime. There probably has to be a specific timing and place. Looking or waiting would be a task. Who knows how tedious or hopeless it be? Perhaps waiting is considerable. At least to those who are hopeful. To those of my caliber who do not wish to be associated with this other gender, then, never waiting is much preferable. After all, to me, life without men is much easier. I've already experienced enough in their hands to wish for anymore experiences where they are concerned.

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