"Not worth it."

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"Everything That Makes Everything."

"You'll never be as pretty as she is and, he, he will always love only her."
"Why don't you use a little bit more concealer?"
"Hahaha you? Nah. You're just more of a temporary fix kind."
"Hey oh my god why don't you use a little bit more make-up?"
"I feel kinda bad for her. I mean, she's pathetic and all."
"Oh no, that one has never had friends. It'll be easy to call her a liar. I've been told it's been done before."
"Oh honey you have got to lose that fat! Nobody likes that"
"Oh her best friends? They know who she is. They're just waiting for the right time. She's determined, you know? They probs get a good use out of her."

That mocking chuckle that left your lips etched itself onto parts impossible to reach physically. Born, reborn, and born again yet their words never stopped driving away all things good.

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