Chapter 14

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Two weeks later

"Wake up, Peter. It's test day." Nicole shook Peter.

Peter rubbed his eyes. "I'm up, darling." he yawned and kissed Nicole on the cheek.

Nicole stood up then fell backwards but Peter caught her before she could. "Whoa! Are you okay?" Peter got worried.

"Yes, I'm fine. I just got a little dizzy." Nicole put her hand on her head.

"Here let me get your clothes for you." Peter said as he picked an outfit out for Nicole.

Nicole took her clothes from Peter. "Thank you." she smiled. Nicole got dressed and threw on a pair of socks and shoes.

Peter got himself dressed. "Are you ready?" he wondered.

"Yes." Nicole nodded.

Peter and Nicole got in his car and Peter drove to school and parked in the student parking lot. Peter and Nicole came to their usual spot where they met up with Carl and Megan.

Peter and Nicole waved to Carl and Megan as they approached them. "Megan isn't feeling too well so she's already ready to get this crap over with." Carl said.

"I'm not feeling too well either." Nicole put her hand on her stomach.

"Aww why didn't you tell me?" Peter comforted Nicole.

"Because I'm just now not feeling good." Nicole sighed.

The bell rang and Nicole, Peter, Carl, and Megan walked together to the gym where they would be taking their end of the year test.

"Bags go in the room there and phone go off and put in bags as well." The test instructor told all the students as the came through the gym doors.

Everyone did as they were told and turned there phones off and out them in their book bags then put there bags in the storage room in the gym. Everyone looked around for their names. Nicole and Carl were put together and Peter and Megan had to sit where there names were on the other side of the gym.

The test instructor, Ms Binns read all the rules for the test and that took about thirty minutes. "You may begin testing. You have an hour and thirty minutes for this session." Ms. Binns told all the students.

Everyone got started on the reading session. "This is bullshit." Nicole mouthed to herself.

A long hour and a half was up and everyone was finished with session one. "And stop. This season has ended." Ms. Binns told all the students.

"Session two has started you should now be in the grammar portion. Begin." Ms. Binns said.

Two hours later and the grammar portion was done. "You can now stand and stretch for five minutes and take a bathroom break." Ms. Binns told the students.

Megan and Nicole met up in the hallway. "I'm not feeling so good." Nicole said.

"Me neither." Megan shook her head.

"I have this feeling but I'm not sure." Nicole placed her hand on her stomach.

"If it's what i think it is then me too but we can talk about it more after school." Megan agreed.

Megan and Nicole took their seats back in the testing area. The two hours of testing that was left was over. "That felt like forever." Peter crossed his arms.

"Yes, it did. But it's finally over." Nicole sighed with relief.

Nicole, Peter, Carl, and Megan walked to the student parking lot together and Nicole hugged Carl and Megan bye then they got in Megan's car and run their errands then went home. Peter and Nicole got in Peter's car and Peter pulled out of the parking lot.

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