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Being PERFECT is sometimes being FAKE as well. Because there is no such thing as PERFECT.


" Jin hyung! " a guy named Scoups called. He turned around and saw him with the other guys, he approaches him and he was breathless.

" What's up? " he replied. Still looking at the sky and daydreaming.

" We're going to Jungkook's house! Oh God hyung you're acting like you don't even know our routine!" He rolled his eyes. Jin shrugs and looked at him.

"Ugh! Come on!" He pulled him and ran towards the others who were already in the car.

They both got in and drove to Jungkook's house. They played loud music as they always do, specifically "Young Blood" by 5SOS. They jammed and sing and laughed. They even pulled a prank at a car in front of them by spraying paint at the trunk that says "I SUCK" while the other cars at the back were honking at them and yelling. They just didn't care and laughed and laughed and laughed.

Sometimes they wished their friendship will always be PERFECT. But sometimes they envy each other. Making things complicated. But now, they're having fun, nothing is bothering them. And maybe soon something will.

Jimin almost threw up because of laughing but stopped himself, another ordinary day to the boys.

It's their hobby to hang out at Jungkook's house because it was the only place that they could hang on. They sometimes skip their last period on Friday just to do whatever they want or just go somewhere that they could bond. Their parents never knew about this because some of them doesn't even have one. Like Jungkook. His father broke up with her mother and went to another girl.

While Scoups had family problems as well. Always fighting, shouting, etc. That's why they decided to spend more time with their friends and not waste time at home looking at the ceiling, listening to the nonstop fight of your parents. It makes you sick and depressed. And ofc they don't want that.

Since Jungkook has the fanciest and big house, you wouldn't even hesitate to stay there for days. And they do, all the time.

They parked in front of the 2 story house, it was huge with a modern design at the exterior part and the interior. Maybe 20 plus people can fit. They went inside and sat on the couch. 

"Sometimes I really wonder if I could have this house in the future..." Taehyung sighed. Jungkook looked at him then smiled, but that smile faded immediately.

" Well, I wish I could have parents like yours." He replied back.

"Yeah, same!" Scoups pouted while eating a sandwich.

Taehyung chuckled, I wish they really knew what happened... he thought. A moment of silence came and Jin decided to break it.

"Wanna play?" He said, smiling. He's always in charge of this kind of situation. He always cheers the boys up whenever the atmosphere becomes uncomfortable and sad. Wonwoo's eyes sparkled as he said it.

" Yeah, sure! I love the games!" He barked.

They went to Jungkook's room or they called it the game room because it's the only room that has computers, Xbox, 30 inch TV, and more fun stuff. They played for almost 3 hours until they got bored and switch on looking for food in the kitchen.


It's currently 4 pm and they're lying at Jungkook's bed while staring at the ceiling. Their head spinning thinking of random things that you cant figure out. Each of them has a story to tell,  each of them has stories that you cant imagine. They tattooed it on their mind that they're together for a reason, and it makes them happy even more.

"Guys?" Hoshi asked, fiddling with the blanket on top of him.

"Yeah?" They replied in unison.

"Umm... I just want to thank you know, having me here and accepting me as your friend. But I want to tell you guys something." He stopped for a while and gulped.

"Yeah sure, why not?" Mingyu said shifting his body to face Hoshi.

" I- I want to be a dancer...I already thought of it last night. And the thing is, I want you guys to help me because I'll be having classes at night and I won't be able to study or focus that much..." He continued. He felt relieved that he released it already.

"Oh..." At this time Scoups replied. "Wow...Of course, will help you!"

Hoshi's eyes went big, " Really hyung! Thank you, thank you thank you!!" He hugged them all and didn't let go.

"I'm proud of you," Jin said and smiled at him.

Silence appeared once again. But this time none of them decided to break it.

[Jin P.O.V]

How I wish I'll be like them... I'm proud of Hoshi, really. But I hope I could fit in this group more...I just feel like I don't belong... I mean, I love them of course and I treasure this friendship more than anything. But as the eldest, I feel like I'm at the lowest spot and they're like so high I can't reach. I can't dance, sing, or whatever talent you could think of. Except for cooking, I guess. He sighed as he continued to talk to  himself. It made him more down, but he decided to put it aside.

[End of P.O.V]

The day ended just like that they went to sleep after eating and after watching a movie.

Obviously, they're all tired so they decided to just sleep there since it's  weekend tomorrow.

Annnyeong~~ I hope you guys like it!! There's more coming!! It's just the start! Please share my books and vote!! Thank you!! Means a lot!! Byeee!!!

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