Chapter 1

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Along time ago, a human fell into the RUINS.

Injuredby its fall, the human called out for help.

ASRIEL,the king's son, heard the human's call.

Hebrought the human back to the castle.

Overtime, ASRIEL and the human became like siblings.

TheKing and Queen treated the human child as their own.

Theunderground was full of hope.

Then...One day...

Thehuman became very ill.

Thesick human had only one request.

Tosee the flowers from their village.

Butthere was nothing we could do.

Thenext day.

Thenext day.


Thehuman died.

ASRIEL,wracked with grief, absorbed the human's SOUL.

Hetransformed into a being with incredible power.

Withthe human SOUL, ASRIEL crossed through the barrier.

Hecarried the human's body into the sunset.

Backto the village of the humans.

ASRIELreached the center of the village.

There,he found a bed of golden flowers.

Hecarried the human onto it.

Suddenly,screams rang out.

Thevillagers saw ASRIEL holding the human's body.

Theythought that he had killed the child.

Thehumans attacked him with everything they had.

Hewas struck with blow after blow.

ASRIELhad the power to destroy them all.


ASRIELdid not fight back.

Clutchingthe human...

ASRIELsmiled, and walked away.

Wounded,ASRIEL stumbled home.

Heentered the castle and collapsed.

Hisdust spread across the garden.

Thekingdom fell into despair.

Theking and queen had lost two children in one night.

Thehumans had once again taken everything from us.

Theking decided it was time to end our suffering.

Everyhuman who falls down here must die.

Withenough souls, we can shatter the barrier forever.

It'snot long now.

KingASGORE will let us go.

KingASGORE will give us hope.

KingASGORE will save us all.

Youshould be smiling, too.

Aren'tyou excited?

Aren'tyou happy?

You'regoing to be free.


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