4. Kiss and slap

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Mom was supposed to pick me up from school that day. She was the one who had made me go talk to the school counselor in the first place. She, of course, wanted to know had I come back to my senses. Surely a professional counselor would have told me to stop the nonsense. Business was a great field for me.

I waited for her at the parking, but she wasn't there waiting. Instead, she sent me a text telling me she was running. One of her chefs had burned herself, so mom had to take her place for a while. I'd have to wait for her. 30 minutes tops, she had written.

Between the school building and the parking lot, there was grass. I decided to sit down to wait. It hadn't rained for a while so I didn't worry about getting a green butt. I pulled out my history book. If I'd started homework there, I wouldn't have had so much to do at home. I placed the book on the grass in front of me. I didn't even get a chance to turn to the right page before a big shadow blocked the sun. The big shadow spoke. Unfortunately.

"Hey," it said. 

"Hey," I replied looking up. I had no idea why the big shadow - Alex Montgomery, was there. Once again he was invading my personal space. This time he didn't look startled nor awkward. I took a glance around but I didn't see his friends anywhere near. 

"Can I talk to you for a sec?" he asked. He dropped his bag next to me before I had time to reply.

"Sure," I sighed. He sat down next to me. He leaned back against his hands. We were sitting side by side. I fought the urge to look at him. 

"Did you find your path today?" I asked. You see, I have a habit of using humor, sarcasm, or some form of silliness whenever I feel overwhelmed or don't know how to react.

Alex Montgomery chuckled. You need to pause for a moment here and realize the significance. Alex Montgomery chuckled at my joke - not at me. I too realized it. What on earth was going on!?

"Something like that," he said. I had never before noticed his cologne, but now as he sat there his shoulder only inches away from mine, I did. He cleared his throat before he said: "I've been a dick."

A declaration I had no problem agreeing to. I still didn't know how one should react to that so I just answered the magic word that fits everywhere at any time: "Ok." 

I thought our heart to heart was over and he would just leave, but no. He wasn't bothered by the silence.  He remained seated and there we sat like two life long buddies enjoying each others company.  

"Why did you write that in my yearbook?" I asked. It was already a weird situation so little more weirdness wouldn't kill me. 

"I don't know, it was the only thing that came to my mind," he said. 

"What does it mean?" 

"I will remember you means I will remember you," he said. Dah! What a brilliant mind. I rolled my eyes. He chuckled again.

"Ok dude, whatever,"  I shook my head. 

He didn't say anything. Finally, I found the confidence to look at him. 

I shouldn't have. 

He had his head turned to me. I saw a deep thoughtful look in his eyes just before they fell on my my lips.

What. The. Hell.

My mind froze. He leaned closer. 

What. The. Hell.

His breath brushed my skin.

What. The. Hell.

His lips touched mine. 

What. The. Hell.

That snapped my mind out from the deep-freeze hypnosis; I slapped him. So hard the skin of my hand tingled. 

I didn't wait for his reaction. I jumped up. I ran away. But not fast enough to hear his groan and attempt to make me stop. "Lucy, I'm sorry."

I didn't stop. From the corner of my eye I saw Alex Montgomery lying on the ground covering his face with his hand.

Ride or no, I needed to get as far away from school as possible. So I kept running.

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