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I dont even know how it happened. All I did know at the time was that I was flying over the open sky until i hit what was in front of me: the edge of a rocky cliff. I pulled myself up over the side of it and looked off the edge. There was no ground. It was just sky. How did i even end up in the air? Where was i? What did i look like? Why could i not remember anything about myself or who i was? I was starting to get a little anxious.
"Olivia." I said, not even thinking about it. "Olivia! My name is Olivia! I remember!" I shouted to no one. I started jumping around and celebrating my discovery- my name- it was kind of sad. Then i turned around.
HUGE stone walls that seemed to be horizontally endless were towering over me. I noticed they had an opening right in front of me that led to a corridor of MORE huge stone walls. "What the heck?" I said aloud. I didn't know where that corridor would lead me, so i sat on the cliff, debating if i should go past the stone doors.
After a few minutes of begging my brain to let me remember something, i picked up a stone and chucked it off the cliffs' edge. As if on cue, it winked out of sight. "What? What is this, some cruel joke or something?" I said with frustration. This did NOT make any sense at all. First, i flew through the air, then couldn't remember anything, and saw a rock vanish right before my eyes. There had to be an explanation for all of this.
I decided to go into the stone corridor. Some of its walls were covered with ivy and vines. I started to pull some of the ivy off in case i got lost and wanted to find a way back to the cliff. At the end of the long corridor, i turned right into yet another long corridor. It was maddening because i had no idea what or where my destination was.
That corridor seemed to last for ages until i turned left. Then straight. Then right. Then another right. Then a left, then straight again. When i came to a fork, i screamed in frustration. I could turn right, left, or go straight. "This is so-" i was cut off as something-no, someone- slammed into my side. It was an asian kid who looked to be about 17-18 years old and had a good build and jet black hair. He scanned me for a second, not saying anything. Then he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the corridor to the left.
"No time for talking! We've got to make it back!" He yelled. Over his words, i could hear metallic clicks and whirrs.
"Back to where?!" I panted. "Why are we sprinting?" The clicks sounded closer.
"Back to the Glade before the doors close, you slinthead! Just keep running like your life depends on it, because it does!" I nodded and did my best to keep up with him- this guy was fast.
We turned a corner. "Cmon! We're almost there!" He shouted. The clicks and buzzes seemed to be on top of us, along with what sounded like pots and pans being banged on the ground. As we rounded another bend, i got a chance to glance back at what was chasing us. I shrieked at what i saw.
The creature was about as big as a bull with no distinct shape was slithering along after us. It kind of resembled a gargantuan slug. The scary thing was, it had spikes and mechanical appendages with weapons coming out of its skin. It also had a metal arm that was attached to some sort of eye that was gleaming red. The fear pumped adrenaline through my body, causing me to sprint faster than the boy.
"Thats what I'm talkin' about, shank!" He caught up to me. We turned another corner and headed down a straightaway. At the end of it, there was an opening just like at the cliff. There was a crowd of boys gathered by the opening, cheering me and Asian Guy on.
"You can do it!"
"Faster, faster!"
They can make it! I know they can!"
With the creature metallically roaring behind us, we were about 5 meters from the opening. Then the walls started to close. How is that even possible?
The opening was becoming smaller and smaller with every passing moment. The crowd was going crazy over me and Asian Guy. Among the cheers, i heard:
"Whose that?"
"Is that a girl?"
"No, its a boy with a big feminine side to him."
Just as the opening almost shut, i slid through. I had to turn sideways, though. I popped out into the crowd, people cheering and a few people hugged me. Asian Guy slid out right behind me. The crowd clapped and cheered as they surrounded us.
After the group had quieted, it was Asian Guy's turn to talk. "That, my friend, was a Griever. Not only did you outrun one and live to tell about it, but you and I made it to the Glade just in time."
I looked at him like he was crazy.
"I'm Minho. Welcome to the Glade," he said, shaking my hand.

🔱hi guys! This isnt my first story- the other one was deleted, but i cant do anything about that now. This story is a fresh start:)🔱
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