Chapter 1: GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!

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A/N: Just gon' say, if you didn't read the description, This starts after the fight with the hero killer, specifically the excersize where they have to race to rescue All Might. Original ten aliens, and original ten alien's designs. So If you haven't gotten past the fight with the hero killer, this is your ONE and ONLY SPOILER WARNING.

  [Deku POV]

   I activated full cowling, and was speeding past everyone (parkour!) and I jumped down, and slipped off a pipe. "Oh!" I say, as I fall. I use a Deleware Smash to pick myself back up in midair, but Sero passed me. I see something. It kinda looks like a miniature missle. 'Hold up,' I think, looking at the trajectory that it's heading in, 'That thing's gonna dome Sero! He'll die if it hits him!' "Sero look out!" I yell, pushing him out of the way, but getting hit by the object in the process. It broke through the building we were on, and me and the object go through three floors.

  [3rd Person]

  "WOAH!! WHAT WAS THAT!?" Kirishima yelled. "YOUNG MIDORIYA! ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?!" All Might yelled, seeing as there was smoke coming from the crater. Midoriya opened his eyes. "What happened?" he asked, his ribs hurting like hell, "Oh! The missle didn't ex-" He saw the missle split in half, with a metal ball in the midlle. He took some mental notes on his physical condition. He broke a couple of his ribs, he had plenty of scrapes, cuts, and bruisies. The entire sleeve and glove of his right hand were burnt off. Being very careful not to puncture one of his lungs and die, he shambled over to the orb.

   [Deku POV Again.]

   As I approched the metal orb, I notice something. It has an opening that looks kinda like a round garage door. When I'm about a meter away from it, the opening opens, and inside of it, there is a watch? It's the best I can describe it, seeing as it looks like it would fit around my wrist, plus it had a digital displayer '?' to probably show the time. Don't know why a watch would have to be so bulky, however. So I can bring it back to UA so that I can study it, I try to grab it. But, it went the other way around. WHen I reached out to the watch, It opened by the display, and jumped on my right arm. "AH! AH! GET IT OFF!! GET IT OFF!" I scream, probably drawing others to me. I start fiddling with the watch so that I can see if I can try to get it off. 'Plan B' I think, using 5% of full cowling to do something, that in hidsight, is pretty stupid. "DETROIT SMASH!!" I shout, smashing the dial, that extended outwards due to my fiddling. A green light shone, and when I opened my eyes, I noticed something immideately wrong. My hands were yellow. I touch a bit of debris, and it immediately sets aflame. "AH! I'M ON FIRE!! I'M ON FIRE!!" I shout, and I notice that my voice is deeper, and a little raspier. The majority of the smoke cleared.

   [3rd Person]

   All Might looked into the hole, trying to find Midoriya, saw a person who's quirk appeared to be a mutation, making him made of rock, and also being on fire. Or was the rock around the fire? He could care less, because this villain had possibly killed Midoriya. "Woah! All Might! Can you help me?" the person asked, to which All Might responded, "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO YOUNG MIDORIYA, VILLAIN?!?" The thing took a couple seconds to think. "OH! I see the problem!" it said, realizing its mistake, "You don't recognize me! Well, I'll tell you what happened. So when I came to after saving Sero from the missle, I saw the missle had a capsule in it. When I approached the capsule, it opened, and it had this really bulky watch in it! When I went to grab the watch, It latched onto my wrist, and I punched it to try to get it off of me, and now I'm on fire!" "I'LL ASK AGAIN, VILLAIN, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO YOUNG MIDORIYA!?" All Might yelled, getting more upset. Then, Bakugo stepped up to the 'plate'. "Hey, got any notes on Kamui woods?" Bakugo asks the thing. "OH! Yeah, he's really cool! His wood is very easily used of offensive and defensive purposes, and the laquered chain prison is a really cool final move, because it can capture multiple enemies and mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter," the thing said, muttering all the facts it could. "YOUNG MIDORIYA, IS THAT YOU?" All Might asked, to which Deku responded, "Yeah? I mean, I'm on fire, but wouldn't you stil recognize me?" Someone took a picture, and showed him what he looked like. "WOAH! I look so.... different!" He said. (Looks like this\/)

"Will I be like this forever?" he asked himself, "I mean, I can still use my quirk, but I don't wanna be this fire guy anymore! How am I supposed to be a hero if I torch everyone I save?" All Might and the rest of the class took a moment to think

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"Will I be like this forever?" he asked himself, "I mean, I can still use my quirk, but I don't wanna be this fire guy anymore! How am I supposed to be a hero if I torch everyone I save?" All Might and the rest of the class took a moment to think. "Well, GUESS YOU JUST WON'T USELESS DEKU!! GIVE IT UP!" Bakugo yelled. *BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP*. The White symbol in the middle started flashing red, and there was a bright red light, and there was regular old Midoriya. "WOAH! I'm back to normal!" He said excited, "Guess this is like a second quirk! I'll have to learn how to use it then!"

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