Chapter 97

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Kaia looked at Louis again. "How did you see each other?"

"I will explain it to you while Harry goes and soothes the savage beast."

Harry headed off in the direction that Marian went leaving Kaia and Louis and Faith in the kitchen. Kaia set Faith in her high chair and gave her some Cheerios to keep her occupied and went back to cleaning up the broken bowl and onions off the floor. "What is he up to?"

"He has this plan of getting every thing out  in the open. He asked me to meet him so we could talk," Louis sighed. He made his way over to the coffee maker and made himself a fresh cup of coffee. "He wanted to talk about Marian."

"And you agreed?" She couldn't help but ask. "Are you high?"

"I was worried but it had been so long since I talked to him. I figured he was going to beg me not to go after her. I wanted to tell him off.  But that wasn't what happened."

"What...what did he say?  What did you talk about?"

"He in a sense he gave me permission to be with Marian. Asked me to take care of her and watch over little Faith." Louis said. "I told him I would never over step my position plus I wasn't sure she even likes me. She has been giving me the evil eye ever since I got here."

Kaia washed her hands and then grabbed more onions to cut. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. She was hoping that Harry was going to change but this was shocking news to her. "Did he seem sincere?" She asked and then glanced at Faith who was indeed giving Louis the stink eye. She couldn't help but giggle. "Well, she will just need to get to know you."

"I didn't believe him at first but then he continued to talk. Invited me to come to Casablanca, see you and him preform together. Asked me how my writing have been doing It was all very surreal."

"He asked you to go to Casablanca?" She asked and stopped cutting the onions. "Do you think he meant it? The things he said to you?"

"Only time will tell, I guess. I thought he was driving me home,  next thing I know I'm on my way here."

"He's either crazy or brilliant," she said with a shake of her head and kept cutting the onions. As she felt her eyes begin to water as she did. After a few seconds she full on had tears running down her cheeks.

"I told him she would be pissed if she saw me. I don't even know if we will work out. There's so many more factors this time around."

Kaia put the onions in a new bowl and set it aside and washed her hands again and then wiped away her tears and sat down next to him. "He's definitely crazy," she said. "But then again maybe he's not as crazy as we think. At least he's already signed the divorce papers."

"But will she?"

"Do you not think she will?"

Louis shrugged his shoulders then nodded in Faith's direction.

"Maybe I should tell Zayn to bring them. He's bringing the kids and coming for dinner," she said. "You're going to be a great role model for her and a great person to have in her life. Have some faith, Lou."

"Maybe you should because I have to admit I'm a little nervous about this whole thing."

Kaia pulled her phone out again and quickly called Zayn.

"I'm on my way," Zayn said into the phone. "Finally got the kids ready and in the car."

"I need you to run back into the house and grab the divorce papers."

"Are you sure ?"

"Positive,  I think she should sign them tonight."

"You got it wife," Zayn said.

Love You Goodbye-Book 4 In the Sexy As SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now