He Remembers

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Two: This takes place in an au where people are half pokemon! Full on pokemon still exist, just not full on humans!

(There's like one mention of Silvally to back this up but that's it)

Three: All art is owned by me, as obvious by the signatures!

Anyways, onto the wholesome! Hope you enjoy!


No matter how tough he acted, how stubborn he'd be, or how rude he'd get, everyone knew.

Gladion's not that tough.

He remembers back on Akala island, when he first came across certain a Pikachu boy and his twin Rockruff friends. Gladion attempted to come off as a scary, powerful, not to be messed with dark type, hoping to make them leave. Quite honestly, it could've worked! With his ears hidden under his hood and tail tucked into his jacket, no one could see what he was after all!

Except that one good gust of wind was all it took to get those Eevee ears exposed.

Yep, you read that correctly. This big bad edgelord was no more than a little ol' Eevee. How adorable. He stomped away as soon as more members of Team Skull took his place, grumbling about "I'm NOT cute..."

Maybe not in the Rockruff twins' eyes, but in one certain electric type's eyes, he most certainly was.


Later on in life, when he was around 16, he remembers getting dragged around by the newly evolved Lycanroc champions, one midday, one midnight, into all sorts of hang outs. Movie watching, team ups at the Battle Tree, hell, even just lazing around on the beach! He always tried to seem bored or uncomfortable by Selene and Elio's spontaneous group meetings, but the Eevee teen always found himself ironically having a good time. Watching his sister laugh and be happy, listening to those Lycanrocs bark out sarcastic insults back and forth (the most common being "furry bait" and "stupid mutt"), seeing that totally not cute Pikachu boy and Steenee girl discuss the best malasada flavors.

He just couldn't help but smile at the thought of it.

One special night, they all decided to go Minior gazing, completely ignoring the Midday boy who complained about his sleep schedule (Elio's schedule tended to be sleeping and waking up early, the complete opposite was Selene's). Of course, they ended up dragging an unwilling, yet happy to join in, Gladion with them to Ten Carrot Hill, since he usually stayed up late anyways (he never understood why, he just did.) He remembers watching everyone get starry-eyed at the Minior shower, pointing out the rare shiny ones and ones with their favorite colors. He remembers how happy he felt in that moment, seeing everyone who cared for him, despite his bitchy attitude, spend time together like this with him. He remembers closing his eyes, smiling, letting the blissful feeling sink in under the full moon's light.

He also remembers hearing a sparking noise and a squeaky voice shout "E ku'u akua! Gladion is-!"

He opened his eyes to find everyone was staring at him, wide eyed and jaws dropped. Confused as hell, he uttered out a small "What?"

Lillie spoke up first. "B-big brother, you.. um.. you..." was all the little artic fox could say, too stunned to speak properly. Luckily, a loud troublemaker of a Lycanroc girl finished for her.

"Dude, you evolved! I knew you thought of us as friends, you little shit!"

They all sat in silence for a moment, letting it sink in. Gladion reached up and felt his ears, only to stiffen at what he felt. Instead of the fluffy and soft feeling he was use to, his ears' fur had become smooth and had a more rounded shape with a warm ring-like area on both. He felt around his neck and shoulder, surprised at the lack of soft, fluffy fur he's always had. He looked back at his tail, which looked the same way as his ears felt, realizing the warmth was the yellow moon ring pattern, glowing softly in the dark of night.

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