A Date with Frank

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              Y/N fidgeted with the strings on their hoodie as they awaited a response from a certain someone. Frank wasn't a big talker, in fact, Y/N was lucky if they got one or two short messages from the man. Y/N kept glancing at their black screen waiting for it to light up. By the fifth glance, Y/N knew they had to be the one to carry the conversation. They picked up the phone and typed a greeting with shaken hands. Talking to him made Y/N's heart race as if it was in a marathon. But before Y/N could press send, a typing bubble popped up from the other side. Y/N couldn't believe it, Frank was about to text them? Y/N quickly pressed the deletion button and awaited Frank's message. Not even an hour later, Y/N found themselves in front of an entrance to a subway. They checked their phone and adjusted the heavy bag that slung over their shoulder. That bag carried the spray paint Frank requested you to bring on your date he planned out of nowhere, A tap on the shoulder managed to startle Y/N, who turned around to see the exact man they were waiting for. Tall, dark, and handsome.

"Hey, Frank! Ready to start spraying those trains?" Y/N asked, rather excitedly.

"Ready if you are." Frank replied, rather coldly. Y/N knew that under that mask, there was a smile.

Soon you were both knelt by a train, letting out your artistic creativity. Spraying from left to right, tons of lines of paint turned into a form of letters. A sudden whistle echoed throughout the subway, and soon, Frank was running opposite of the noise. He signaled Y/N to follow him, in which Y/N did. Y/N looked away to see a police man running at them, once Y/N turned around, a train hit them right in the face, causing a black out.


Jeff opened the door to bar. He made immediate eye contact with Timmy, who sat right next to a green-haired fella. tim look at jeff asJeff crouchedgrounge incriminatingly.Timothy was immediately imTIMidated.(laugh track ensues) Suddenly, Sonic treads through the door hastily, knocoming Jeffrey to the ground, flat as a pal cake.

"no" cosmetics screen in agony.

Jeff was extremely angered by Sonos aggressive entrance, so he drop kicked him in the pelvis. The commotion going on angered Timothy felt enraged, his anger became the controller of his actions, and he soon punched both sonic and Jeff in the guts. Jeff looked Tim in the eye, fascinated by his endangerment; sonic admired jeff's admiration for others. sons



sudden spongebob burst into rom. Jeff 😱😰

"brog🍔ed""WHAT IN 𝓣𝓐𝓣 𝓣𝓐𝓡??!!?!" spong yeled as he spelunked into the rom com. "Become helen!" Spong screamed as he ate timothy's dick off."MY PEENIE WEENIE" TIMOTHY SCREAMED AS HE ROLLED AWAY. Spongebob was amazed by the taste that sat on his tastebuds. HE LOVES THE TASTE OF TIMMY PENIE. He saw Timmy roll away slowly, his screams grew quieter as he rolled farther and farther away. Sponge chased after Timmy, wanting more of him. 🛩plane

plant rose from yelow. Spong chase plant becauss tim was in plan parenthod!!!!!! PLEASE I NEED YOU TIMMY NO MORE PLAN HAREBHOOD!!!! Jeff said

SPinge agreed with Jeff. Timmy ran faster despite their cry's for his reture. As he ran, a trail of blood exited from his open wound of a penis. Because of the fast loss of blood, he began losing his sight and energy, soon he fainted.


jeg yell as he chasd afte sping and tim when he DIED!!!!!!

Jef was ang as he three down cosm "lok like ur boy was week....... weekly period crwma...... to muc pain...... " Tim laud weak on his deathbed, flatlining. Sonic cried so MUCH HE BECAME SHRIVELED. He dropped to his knees and cried more.

soted look at tim and tumble in. "tim" then smash tim with ass.spc foundation went inside, pores shooting out of tim tim he had biscuits arriving from kfc "here biscuit here biscuit!" Kfc man yel as he threw biscuit on floor and sove for tim. Jeff was starving, not caring .about whether or not they were Timmy's order of biscuits, he launched into pile of baked goods and consumed. Tim yelled angrily as his baked goods have entered another stomach. 😭😭😭 tim march over wit army and beat jeff to deat. then they rectrieve digested baked good 👍 the biscui and the.... CHUCKEN NUGET!?!!??! fro jef stomac..... WE WANT CHICK!!!! everyoc yel and jef oblige giving them endles chickn!!!!! Because Tom beat Jeff to death, he was sort of like a food dispenser, somehow Timmy's beating caused Jeff to create infinite kfc in his stomach. Sponge went up to Jeff and requested biscuit, it rolled of it jeff mouth and it was the warmest most scrumptious food ever. cosmo did not 👎


wand angry... SO VERY ANGRY. She grabbed Cosmetic by the ass and

timmy groin extensions. tim throw groin at cosmos.

. cos and tim only one left.... it smells like shit in here. Help. This is nog par of the fancf it. Smells like act ua horse shit it smeld like a BARN PLEAS. Suddenly a horse bursts into the hospital room and eats Tommy's organs. They tasted scrumptious... MMMMMMMMMMM. So fucking delicious, finally some good fucking food. horse actually rainbow dash! 😰 dash po kung fo pand arrived and comit nocropeflia with ranbo das on tim!!!!! angrily comit necropelf on ranbi das addre po kil ranbo. Po had fun time.

yes Po twerks on all the bodies. THE END 😀😀😀

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2020 ⏰

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