a little jealous

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A/N: This is my submission for the writing challenge held by LilyHemsworth. She literally writes my favorite imagines and I've looked up to her for so long, I was happy to do this challenge with her! I love you so much and I hope you enjoy!

Pairing: Peter Quill x Reader

Warning(s): None

Word Count: 544

Prompt: "I'm yours, not his."

Peter had his diamond blue eyes locked on you

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Peter had his diamond blue eyes locked on you. Peter respected Thor. He really did, but not at this moment. Thor was practically stealing you away from him. Ever since Thor met you, you two had an instant connection. Peter admitted that you were easy to get along with. He knew that you got along with a lot of people, but not this much. He was a loving boyfriend, a little possessive at times, but that was just because that was his way of showing his love for you.

Which in this case, Peter was jealous. He was far beyond that. The way that you were laughing with Thor instead of talking to you set him off. Thor knew that you were his boyfriend, right? Peter continued to stare at you and Thor in envy as you continued to talk to him.


Peter about jumped out of his skin as the out of the blue voice of Gamora appeared beside him out of nowhere. He twisted around, his heart picking up its pace. Gamor smirked as she saw his reaction. She already knew what he was doing.

"You're jealous of [Y/N] and Thor again?"

"Thor knows that [Y/N] is my girlfriend, correct?" Peter asked, pointing at himself. Gamora nodded slowly but Peter still didn't believe his own question being answered. "This is unfair, ever since [Y/N] has met Thor, they practically have been hanging out without me a lot!"

"That's probably because you're too busy stalking them from afar and being jealous. Instead of you know, going and joining them on the conversation?"

Peter blinked and stared at Gamora blankly. He never really had thought of that. It seemed that Peter must have kept the mind set of jealously that it distracted him from actually talking to you.

"You need to lighten up Peter," Gamora claimed, patting him on the shoulder. "[Y/N] only has her eyes for you."

Gamora was needed elsewhere, leaving Peter on that note. Peter glanced over at you and Thor who were still talking. Peter took that opportunity to go and talk to you. Peter stood up and walked over to you and Thor. As soon as you saw Peter, you entire face lit up.

"Peter! Babe! I was just telling Thor about that one time we went ice skating together," You laughed, reaching out for Peter's hand. Peter took your hand and sat down beside you. "I would've broken my arm if it wasn't for Peter saving me over here."

"[Y/N] sure loves to talk about you a lot Peter," Thor stated, patting Peter on the knee. "she's got it bad for you."

"Well, I've got it bad for her."

"I could tell," Thor said with an amused grin. "I don't know if you knew, but I could sense your jealousy sitting over there. The way you stared at us had me scared a little bit."

Peter smirked. "I guess I was a little jealous."

"Oh, sweetie, don't be," You reassured, laying your on his shoulder. "I'm yours, not his."

Peter smiled. Those four words was all he needed to hear. He was now convinced that you loved him and only him, and that made him feel like the happiest man on earth.

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