How you Meet

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You were walking to your (B/F/N)Best Friend name house when someone yelled,

"LOOK OUT!" you turned around and saw a car coming toward you in a fast speed, but before you knew it someone pushed you out of the way and both of you tumbled onto the ground.When you opened your eyes you looked straight into the boy's amber eyes and his spiked up hair look very attracted he got up and held you up to your feet,
Are you okay?" the boy said "By the way my name's Kai"."(Y/N)" you said.

"We should meet sometime" he said while putting a piece of paper in your hand"Ya" you said but he was already gone you felt sad that he left, anyway you opened the paper and it said

HEY (Y/N) I know I just met you and all but here's my number (H/N) His number so give me a call sometime. You smiled and walked to your friends house but you didn't noticed that Kai was watching you the entire time.


You were entering a cake shop with (B/F/N) Best friend's name you loved cake alot when you bothed entered you both smelled the delicious taste of freshly bake cake you rushed over to the cake display to pick out what cake your gonna pick, you looked at each one, one by one, and each one made your stomach growl

"(Y/N) will you hurry up!" You snapped out of your thought of cakes and told the lady that you wanted a (F/F/C) Favorite Flavor Cake

The lady nodded and got the cake out of the display you turned around and saw a tall muscular boy with shaggy black hair who looked kind of your age looking straight into your (C/E) color eyes,

"Oh, sorry was (Y/N) taking a long time" (B/F/N) said.You glared at that girl and turned back to him

"So your name is (Y/N) that is a pretty name" You blushed

"Ya and yours"you said"Cole" then he went to (B/F/N) and handed her a paper and he whishpered

"Make sure your you give it to her" Then (B/F/N) smirked at you and you didn't know why finally (B/F/N) and you got the cake and exit the shop, when both of you were outside (B/F/N) said

"Do you have a crush on Cole?"

"What No!" you said sarcastically

"Well then I guess you don't want me to give you this that Cole told me to give you" she said waving a paper around,

"Let me see" you chirped and snatched the paper from her hand "Wait, why will he give you the paper"you said,

"Well let's say he was to nervous to give it to you in person" You opened the paper and readed

(Y/N) give me a call if your not busy (H/N)You blushed a little and both you and (B/F/N) walked back to your house, while Cole saw you through the window to see if you got his little note.


You were at the arcade playing (F/A/G) Favorite Arcade Game you never lost on it because you were so good on it.

You were trying to get on the first 3 scoreboard you played as some of the boys in the arcade saw you amazed as how good you played after you finished the game you saw that your score was 2nd place,

Hey that is still good you said to yourself while doing a little victory dance.

"Your amazing" one of the boys in the crowd said you turned around and saw a boy with blue eyes and a blue ninja gi

"Thanks Uh..."

" Jay's my name" he said "(Y/N)" you chirped "Well do you want to meet here sometime" he said

"When" but he was already gone "Great, just great, he's gone" You said looking down then noticed a piece of paper in your hand "Hey, What, How did that get there: you said to yourself you opened your hand and started reading

I'm here almost everyday and in case your thinking how the paper magically got in your hand it's MAGIC! NAH I put it in your hand when you didn't noticed It's one of my tricks You smiled and left the arcade.


You were babysitting your little cousin for a few hours and both of you decided to go play outside in the snow, both of you made in snowman,snowangels, and before you turned around something cold hit you in your back you knew it was a snowball that (C/N) Cousin's name

You turned around to her and yelled "Oh it's on" while grabbing snow and shaping it into a ball (C/N) screamed as you chased her around the snow she turned around and stuck her toungue out at you and when she turned back around she bumped into someone and fell to the ground

"Oh, sorry" the boy said and held your cousin up to her feet you ran up to them and said

"Sorry, that my cousin bummed onto you" you said blushing when you looked at his face,

"No,no it's my fault" the boy with stood up blond hair said."I was not looking at where I was going also my name is Zane"

"MY name is (Y/N)" "And my name is (C/N)" she said sarcastically

"You know you two should really go out" (C/N) blurted out

"(C/N)" you said putting your hand on her mouth and turning your face maroon red. Zane chuckled

"Well see you around (Y/N)" You and (C/N) bothed turned around and were about to walk to your house when someone touched your shoulder, you turned around and saw Zane

"Here" he said holding out a paper why don't you give me a call"Finally you took and blushed a little then headed back to your house on the way (C/N) sanged

"Zane and (Y/N) sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G


You were in a comic book store searching for you (F/C) Favorite Comic when you finally found it you payed for it and headed to the exit when you bumped into someone and fell down

"Hey" you yelled out

"Oh sorry are you alright" he said as you watched his green eyes and his blond flowing hair he holded his hand out waiting for you to take it, finally you took it and he stood you up to your feet

"it's okay" you said "It's my fault I was just in a hurry to go home and read (F/C)"

"You like that comic too, that's my favorite comic" he said

"Mine, too, Oh wait I think I already told you, anyway my name is (Y/N)"

"I'm Lloyd, also can I see your comic"

"Sure" as you snapped out of his green eyes and handed him your comic you didn't see what he was putting inside your comic until you exit the store and opened your comic to find a piece of paper inside you read it

Hi this is crazy but here's my number so call sometime you put the paper back in the comic and walked to your house.

Sorry if it sucks I was running out of ideas also its my first scenarios

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