Chapter 1

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It's the big day! The one everyone has been waiting for. Everyone has been stressing over this one hour an half moment. I walk into the classroom and take a seat at my desk. I put my backpack on the floor resting up next to my feet . "Okay class who is ready?" The teacher asked with a large amount of excitement in her voice , with a little giggle, that is hardly loud enough to here. No one responds, but Nikki, "I am, I've been ready since last month!" Nikki tells the class. "Well if you're not don't worry, you can have another two months to prepare." The class cheers so loud the teacher from three classes over has to come and see if everything is okay. "The principal came to me this morning and told me she got a call from the school board this morning, all of the tests are moved till February 25th. All of the tests in the district are moved, so keep studying. But till then take out your text book, open to page 134." the teacher told her class.

After a lot of reading and work class was over. The lunch bell rang and all the students made there way to the cafeteria."Skylar, Skylar " I heard my name called from Chloe and Nicole. I go over to their table. "So the test is moved that is good news, right?" Nicole asks Chloe and I . "Ya I guess so." Chloe replies with a little laugh. "Anyways, what are you guys doing after school?" Nicole asked quickly trying to change the subject. "Dance." I reply. "Soccer." Said Chloe. "That's the bell." Skylar says after the loud bell rings. "off to history." said Chloe. "I have Math." replies Nicole "gym is where i'm at!" Skylar says.

That night at home Skylar was eating dinner. "So the test got moved till the end of February." Skylar tells her family at the dinner table. "Really why?" asks her mom. "Mrs. Hanson got a call from the school board and the whole school district got moved, so we have 2 more months to study." I reply with a large amount of excitement. "Well that's good news!" Skylars mom says. "Can you help clean up the dinner dishes when you're done your pasta?" Skylars dad asks. "Yup, I don't want anymore, so I can help right now." Skylar replies. "Can you wash the dishes?" Skylars dad asks "Ya, no problem." said Skylar

. After dinner was done, Skylar went up to her room to study for the test in two months. As she was getting out her text books and note book, her phone started to go off. She unlocked the screen to find message from Nikki. "are you ready?" "ready for what? I ask very confused about what is happening "the test that is half the mark, and it is a 5 part test, it recaps everything we have learned. that test." Nikki asks Skylar. "What subjet?" I ask hoping its not Language since I'm not the best at it. "It's language, Mrs. Chipolli has been talking about it all year. It's the test that gets us ready for the one in February, but still counts as a mark." Nikki replies. My heart it pounding out my chest. All that I think about is why haven't I heard about this before. What have I been missing? How much study time have I lost? I replied the message with this "I can't do this I don't understand any of this. I didn't even know about this test. where have I been all this time? I need to go study everything. If it is just everything for the test that was supposed to be today, I'm gonna be so stuck I didn't know any of this. Well I have to go study till tomorrow morning. this is gonna be fun! Anyways I got to go for obvious reasons. Bye." "Bye, good luck study hard1" Nikki replies "I will or at least try. Bye" Skylar texts back "Bye." said Nikki.

Skylar imediatly gets hard at work completely fogetting about the test in February that is worth the whole mark. So I put away my note book for the test in February and get out my notebook for tests that normally happen. Time flys 1 hour goes by, two hours go by, I wake up on my textbook I guess I fell asleep. I look at the clock and it 3 am. I put on my pyjamas, and set an alarm for 7 am so I can continue studying. After I set my alarm clock I come across a sheet that is titled "Language test work sheet -Date of test :December 19 2014" I have been studying for months. Thats why all this studying has been so easy, I already know all of this. So I disable my alarm clock, put away all of my books and go to bed.

The next morning I wake up to "SKYLAR SCHOOL STARTS IN 15 MINUITE GET YOUR LAZY BUTT OUT OF BED!!" what a plesent way to wake up in the morning, better then birds cherping, and a chaning tatum movie playing from the night before that you put on repeat. So I finnaly get out of bed after going on Instagram, Twitter and Tumbler. I put on my black leggings and by red flanal. I trow my hair up in a top knot and put a cute black leather bow to make it look better. I go to eat breakfast but all I have time for is a cereal bar and a orange juice box. I grab my bag and and put on my converse, moms already waiting in the car. We get to school with 3 minuite to spear.

First perid is Language[of course,the one class that you use a doctors note to get out of.But I try anyways] "I need to be dismissed from this class today,I have testaphobia, very serious" I say while handing Mrs.Chipolli the docters note printed off from a site I found.I did the messy writing and everything.The note said "Mrs.Chipolli Skylar needs to be dismissed from language on December 19 2014. She had developed testaphobia therefore she can not take your test that day. The main reason I did this whole doctors note was because I just didn't want to take the test [Lets hope the note works] "Okay , If the doctor says so. Just first log on to a computer and serch up testaphobia soI know it real , them you can go." Mrs.Chipolli tells me with a litle laugh. "Um I forget my log-in and anyways the wireless is down.I told her. "Do you really think that I will fall for this, I have had this happen to me. This is not a doctors note becuse I used to use the same ones when I was younger. Take a seat Skylar." I take a seat and drop my bag. Mrs.Chipolli hands out the test. I start and wont take my eyes off the clock.

Once I finished the test I hand It in and apoligize to Mrs.Chipolli. She tells me thats its normal to get nervous. But she dosent want to here or see that again. I nod and walk out after the bell about 2 minuites after talking to her.I go to the rest og my classes and then i go home. I have dinner then go to bed.

The next day at school I walk into the class room to the words BAD NEWS. written on the black board. With words under it saying study and study hard. "What could that mean what coukld be happening?" Chloe says. Mrs. Chipolli walks in the class room. Everyone is yelling and very confused including me. [Not the yelling part i'm a good girl] "Now every I need to tell you all something. The test that originally was moved to February, got moved to December 25. You have six days to study." Mrs.Chipolli told her class. My heart starts to pound. I get shortness of breath. All I think is I went to Mrs.Chipolli and asked if I can take the test later am this is what I get. (I went to find out why I was so stressed out about tests, Mrs.Chipolli told me that I can take the test in a week after the other students. this isn't what I thought.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2015 ⏰

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