Chapter 1 - Game Night

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"Damien, if you hit me with one more red shell, I'm gonna throw you out the window."

Ah game night. Game night with my best friend Shayne. It's been quite the ride between me and him, from so random to smosh, and to our stupid adventures between work and on our free time. One thing has remained constant. That being? Shayne has been my best friend that whole time. Through thick and thin, he's always got my back. That and Saturday night game nights. Nothing beats those man. And also Shayne never beats me in any of the games we play, so it's always a good time for me.


God I love messing with him, it's too easy. The race ended, with me playing as Bowser finishing in first, and Shayne as Waluigi, coming in a solid seventh place.

"God you can't even answer me when I'm threatening you huh?" Shayne said while giving me a playful push.

I gave him a nudge back, "you're just jealous man, I've got god given talent for video games and you got your talent from like, a GameStop employee. Just get on my LEVEL dude."

He began chuckling and then stood up.

"2:30 AM, huh? Guess it's time for us to hit the hay, are you sure you don't wanna take my bed, I really don't mind sleeping on the couch Dames."

I giggled with a faint, familiar pinkness formulating on my face that I subtly shielded with my hand. "Sleep in your bed you mad man, I don't mind taking the couch, after all you did offer up your apartment for game night this week so it's only fair you actually get to sleep in your own bed."

"Well as long as you're ok with it, I'll go grab some pillows and blankets for you, I'll at least make you a little comfortable." He said with a smile creeping on his face.

"Ok sounds good Shayne". He began walking into his bedroom to grab the pillows and blankets, and a full blown blush crept upon my cheeks nose and ears at this points. He's such a cutie when he acts all caring and tries way too hard to be a good host. I wanted to sleep in his bed, but I just wanted to be next to him, that's the only reason.

Oh yeah, I might've lied about the one thing that's always been constant.

There are two things.

One, Shayne's been my best friend through thick and thin and always has my back.


Well, I guess I kinda have a thing for him but he thinks I'm straight and every time he tries setting me up with a girl a reject them because it's always been him on my mind. I would define myself as just gay, because well we all know it's a spectrum, and I don't think it's that big a deal, but I do know one thing.

He just makes me feel different


I'm back!! It's been quite some time since I sat back and wrote something, but here we are, so let's shift into something different! I've missed this outlet and all the support I had on my Shourtney Fanfic really made me want to pick this up and start writing it. So, here we go. I don't have a plan for where this is going, but we're gonna see where it goes together. Love y'all❤️


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2020 ⏰

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