When I first saw Dean, I couldn't believe my eyes. Looking into his eyes It felt like falling from heaven again. I always remember pulling him from hell. My heart skipped a beat... He... Was.... Amazing! When he woke up from the 'dirty nap' I watched him go too that store and get the chocolate and water. I got that part, but the 'busty Asian beauties' that wasn't a necessity... I think. When I I tried to talk to him, I scared him badly. So I waited till I could show myself in person before I tried too speak to him again.
I just had to talk to him. I just had to hear his voice. I just had to see him. Touch him... Feel him...
Dean left me too go find his brother Sam, I mean he had seen his brother in months. I watched Sam pull a knife too his throat. I was tempted to jump in and help, but I knew that I had to let it be. I could barley handle it. Bobby warned Sam that it was really Dean.
Relaxing as I whipped the sweat away from my head, I started to smile and all I could do was watch his ass. The way it moved when he walked... It's was amazing.
"I can't keep doing this!" I said too myself "I can't have human emotions! I can't!" Sitting down on the ground I held my head "snap out of it! I can't have human emotions! I can't! In not aloud" but the more I denied it the more I knew it was true.
I had too see him again, I can't just sit here and watch him.
He was alone in his hotel room when I went too go see him. He was looking better than ever before... So hot. I wanted too tell him what was happening. I needed to tell him. But I wasn't sure how he would react, nor if he would even understand. I'm an angel, a man. He likes girls... I think we all know that, it's pretty obvious.
But the way he glowed in the moon light. They way he smiled from ear too ear made my world light up more than a light from heaven had ever done before. He made me smile, like I never had before. He made me feel this way no man has ever before... In love...