Love At Its Worst **Coming Soon**

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***Keep in mind that no one in this story is famous, but they will keep their own names***

~Justin Bieber's Backround~

     Justin Bieber, one of the hottest players in school, and perhaps in the whole town. His big brown eyes would pretty much get him any girl he wanted, and if that didn't do the trick, his beautiful voice was certain to. Justin had grown up in Canada, and he loved it there, maily because his popularity got him anything he wanted. A year ago, a new kid had arrived from England. At first Justin didn't like him because he saw that a bunch of girls were going crazy for him, but he then realized that it would be better to become friends with him, rather than enemies. And after all, they got along super well, and became best friends. Both were known as the hottest guys in school.

~Harry Styles' Backround~

     Harry Styles had been the new kid a year ago, and he seemed to get girls really fast. Maybe it was his British accent? Or his gorgeous green eyes? Maybe his woderful voice? Perhaps his brown curls? Whatever it was, it seemed to be popular with the girls. He soon made friends, but his best friend by far was Justin Bieber. He was aware that they were known as the hottest players in town, but he prefered to think that they were just really popular with the ladies.

~Ross Lynch's Backround~

     Ross Lynch had always been one of those quiet guys who would rather be alone, than in a group of popular kids. He oviously had a lot of girls falling head over heels for him, but he never gave any of them a chance. It wasn't that he was trying to be rude or anything, he just didn't have time for that, he had other things to worry about. His mother had been diagnosed with cancer, and she wasn't in any condidtion to work. Ross had grown up with his mother only, so they didn't have anyone who could help them out. Forced by the circumstances, Ross had dropped out of school and looked for a job. He had always dreamed of doing something with his guitar and beautiful voice, but that wouldn't help him out now. Desparate to help his mother, Ross took the wrong path and got involved with the wrong people.

~Niall Horan's Backround~

     Niall Horan lived in Ireland, wiith his family. He was always cheerful and carefree, but when it came to his love life, he was a disaster. Girls seemed to fall for his cute Irish voice and his irresistable crystal blue eyes, but his relationships never lasted. Maybe it was because he didn't know exactly how to act towards girls much. After all, he attended an all boys school. But however his relationships went, he always kept on wishing to meet a girl that would change his life and make him feel like no one else ever had, he wanted to find his princess.

~Anabelle Davis' Backround~

     Anabelle was born in California, but had moved to Canada when she was only seven years old. She lived with her mom, dad, and younger brother. She hated her dad, she knew it seemed a little extreme to use such a big word towards him, but it was true, she hated him with all her heart. It seemed to her that her dad was always drunk, he never spent time with his family, but from Anabelle's point of view, they would be better off if he just died or abandoned them. He was a sexest kind of man who thought he had the right to do whatever it was he wanted to do, just because of the simple fact that he was a man. And if he didn't get things his way, someone would deffinately pay, and sadly that was always her mom. She loved her mother with all her heart, and respected her decisions. She even admired the fact that she was such a brave woman that could take insults and slaps daily, but it really hurt Anabelle to see her go through so much. She also loved her brother, Jason, and she always tried to prevent him from seing what really went on in their house, but as he grew older, he realized what kind of a living hell his life really was. Anabelle had always dreamed of finding the guy of her dreams, who would deeply fall in love with her, and whom she would love with all her heart. She wanted to find that perfect guy who would sweep her off her feet and turn her miserable life into a fairy tale. And since last year, she had been hoping that that guy would be none other than Harry Styles. She had the hugest crush on him, sometimes she even came to think that she was in love with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2013 ⏰

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