HP_& Of Slings and Arrows (By the original Pe)

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HP_& Of Slings and Arrows (By the original Pe)



July 31 

The Daily Prophet 


The boy-who-lived a Murderer?

A shocking discovery this morning, ministry Aurors discovered the bodies of the muggle family the Dursleys, killed by an Unforgivable. Also found on the scene was Harry Potter, whos wand was found to be the caster of the three Avada Kedavra's. Potter himself was found unconscious and drained of all magical energy. Potters fate will be decided this afternoon in trial.

Erin Brunette

To say that the inhabitants of Diagon ally were frenzied would be an understatement. People were passing between groups sharing the news and rumors. Many were saying that they had seen it coming, that the boy was obviously not right in the head, others were furious that the headmaster had let a murderer like Potter in Hogwarts with their children. None however seemed to humor the idea of the boys innocence. And so the rumor mill turned and the people of the wizerding world anxiously waited for the trial that was set for that evening.

November 12th

Months later and miles away from the goings on in diagon ally, sat the boy-who-lived, curled away in the corner of his own personal hell. Rats and other foul creatures fed on the 'food' he had not touched. Pale, painfully thin arms tightened around similarly pale thin legs, as the rest of his body stiffens.

'Kill the spare'

'Lily! Take Harry and run!'

A small wimper was released into the space between his knees.

'Not Harry! Please! ... have mercy!... Please!

A single tear fell down a gaunt cheek as the boy relived his mothers dying words.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, though it was only an hour, the dementors drifted away from his cell to feed on another wretched soul. And The Boy-who-lived was left to his misery.

The song belongs to Brian Adams, and its called 'sound the bugle'

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did inside my head!

August 1st, before 6th year

Thirteen. You know thinking about it, it seems like such a small number. Strange really... I remember hearing about buildings that skipped making the thirteenth floor because of the superstition. Kinda silly really. I wonder if Hogwarts has a thirteenth floor, heh, probably has a few of them! Wait. Thirteen, yes thirteen lines. There are thirteen bars on my cell too! Six on the window, and seven on the door near the floor.

He looked through the bars near the foot of his door to see the dark empty cell across from his. Pretty much all of the cells around his were empty. The reason being that he was in the juvenile cellblock of Azkaban. He was to young to be placed in the deeper parts of the prison, where the dementors stood by your cell day and night. He supposed that he would be moved there once he became seventeen, but that wasn't for another year now. Another twelve lines.

Harry looked over to the marks on the wall. There were many things on the wall actually. He had used the metal leg from his so called bed that had fallen off in the first month in his stay to carve words and sayings into the walls. Now they were carved with everything from sayings he remembered from his friends, to nursery rhymes that he had heard said with such love to a person that wasn't him through his cupboard door. But Harry was looking at the lines that marked his door. One for each month he had spent here. He had kept track of time with the moon phases. Even in the first few months he had kept track. He shudders now to remember those months. They had been the worst. The Dementors had been ecstatic with the new prisoner, and the effects they could have on him. Often they would stay by his cell much longer than they were supposed to. It had been pure never ending torture. But what made it worse was the silence. Not actual silence mind you. No, Azkaban was filled with the screams and moans of the suffering inhabitants. No it was the silence of his friends. The only true family he had ever had. There had been nothing, not a word from them. Even on Christmas, when he had seen the families of the prisoner three cells down come to visit, they did not come.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2011 ⏰

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