Wouldn't you love to know..

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Tom sat in his cabin with his grandfather's book in his hand with a softed expression as he read through the many lines and words of the pages, Jackson slowly came down the steps with a small, angry expression as he walked down the stairs slowly making his way towards the blue-clad male. Tom was too busy into his book to notice Jackson, Jackson stood in front of Tom. "Tom, you need to get off your ass and at least go outside and walk around, your fat " He said, as furious as he was Tom didn't seemed fazed at all by Jackson's anger. Jackson huffed and snatched the book from Tom's hands earning a sharp glare from the feminine face before him. Tom huffed and crossed his arms. "Jackson, no. I had went running yesterday and I am sore, Okay?! I am not going walking so I can beat my self up more! " Jackson growled with anger before slowly bringing his hand up before the feminine male in front of him making Tom flinch and close his eyes, getting prepared for the slap before Tom knew it a sharp pain ran through his cheek and by instinct the small blue boy rubbed his cheek with tears in his eyes. " I- I.. " Tom stuttered, slightly overwhelmed but that didn't stop him from standing his ground. "Fuck you, Jackson! " The small blue boy yelled at the taller man before running off with tears in his eyes, straight into the forest.

In the woods

Tom stopped running after a while, the deep woods kinda scaring him. Dark.. scary.. quiet..
The small blue male headed through the darkness of the shadows from the trees and quietly found his way towards a tall tree before sliding down it's base and relaxing on the ground with his head resting on his knees while he cried, overthinking a bit. Jackson always treats him like shit, like a total douche but does Tom ever try and leave? No in hell, he doesn't. He stays and that is why he is bruised and beat up, the poor brunette is lonely and heartbroken.
There was a Russel in the near by bush which caught him off guard, the small blue male lifted his head in concern as he saw the bushes russel a bit more before a beautiful wolf with ocean blue eyes came into view, Tom gasped as he watched the creature slowly make its way towards him. Tom slowly slide back everytime the creature took a step closer to him but soon enough Tom was stopped by the brick wall of the abandoned house behind him which made him squeak of surprise, the Brit was frightened by this wolf what if it was harmful? He would get hurt by it but for some reason the wolf didn't seem harmful, The creature slowly got closer and closer to Tom with a cautious expression before finally Tom shakily put his hand out to touch the wolves nose just to be growled at but before Tom knew it he felt a wet cold surface against his palm, slowly the Brit trailed his touch up the wolves snout before then rubbing his head just to get a grunt of hope from the wolf, Tom giggled before finally softening up to the creature. "You are the most cutest thing! " Tom said before smiling a bit but something weird happened, the creature froze for a moment before slowly there was a human standing before Tom's eyes, but there was something different about the male, he had wolf ears and tail which made Tom blush deeply. He just kissed the wolves nose and all along it was a human, the newly found male in front of him smirked a bit. "Hello there, beautiful~ " he cooed to the small blue male before him, making Tom cover his face from embarrassment. "Ugh.. such a crazy world today " Tom said looking up at the blue eyed wolf hybrid hovering above him. " You could have showed me your human form sooner, I kissed you.. " The Norwegian man smiled before snickering. "Yeah, about that. Sorry " he said laughing a little, Tom sighed and held out his hand. "Help me up, we can have a actual greeting.. " he suggested before the taller man grabbed the blue boys hand and pulled him up before finally once Tom stood up straighter he held out his hand with a soft smile. "Tom, nice to meet you.. again.. " the small Brit said before getting a nod from the taller man. " Nice to meet you Tom, I am Tord. What is a beautiful male like you doing out here? At first I mistaked you for a women " he stated. Tom scoffed. "Well dang, I mistaked you for a mutt. My bad " he giggled playfully before getting a huff from Tord.
"Whatever, you say Tom "
Tord arched a brow seeing the now visable mark on Tom's cheek, which he couldn't see in the dark shadows but now since Tom really moved into the light shining through the trees he could notice it. Tom's eyes slowly started to well up with tears but those were immediately wiped away by the Norsk. "Tom.. what happened? " Tom sighed before shoving himself away from the taller male. Wouldn't you live to know.. but it's none of your business " he growled the the Norsk before getting a smirk. "Don't be so pissy, it was a question "
Tom shakily started to breath before just shaking his head. Tord frowned. "You need to get back to your home beautiful.. " the Norwegian said softly before picking Tom bridal style and started walking off but Tom kicked and starting to cry. "No, no. Tord! You don't understand I can't go back home! My boyfriend will kill me.... Literally! " He said crying which made Tords heart sank from guilt. "Oh.. I am sorry.. " The Norsk wiped away Tom's tears before slowly pulling the small Brit into a hug, he ran his fingers through Tom's hair to comfort him. "Would you uh.. wanna get away and stay at my home? " He said as his fluffy ears twitch, waiting for a answer from Tom. Tom cried in the Norsk chest before wiping his tears and backing away from Tord before shakily replying. "Y- yes.. I would.. love too.. " and with that Tord and Tom headed off to Tords home to get away from the storm and also to get Tom's mind off his soon to be ex.

{1072 words! Not counting these xD hope you enjoyed this stupid story lol I will update as soon as I get the chance! See ya then! <3 }

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2020 ⏰

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