IDK part one?

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(F/n) Ral was a sweet girl, (h/l)(h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, nothing too special. But, following her sister Petra's lead she ended up joining the Survey Corps. Thankfully she was able to make some friends, it turns out that a lot of near death experiences really bring people together, who knew. 


"Hey (y/n)," she spun her head around, to find herself face to face with her captain, they placed a hand on her shoulder and sighed right before hugging her,"I'm so sorry." Slightly taken back by the sudden affection, she just went along with it. Hange released her from their hug, handing her a piece of cloth. (Y/n)'s heart seemed to freeze, her breath hitched. She closed her eyes, tears threatening to spill, biting her lip.

"Thank you captain," (Y/n) let out a shaky breath before looking up to Hange with teary eyes," if you don't mind me asking, how did she-" a lump caught in her throats as the tears came pouring down her face. They just grabbed her shoulders as she cried, there wasn't much they could do. Hange began rubbing small circles into (Y/n)'s back in attempt to comfort her.

"She went... honorably, and for humanity." Hange cringed at their own words, knowing a loved one died an honorable death wasn't all that comforting, or helpful. Hange walked (Y/n) to her room after she began gathering herself.

"Thank you, I'm sorry for breaking down like that, commander."(Y/n) apologised shakily, still not recovered. Hange sighed,"There's no need to apologize (Y/n) you sister just died," They patted her on the head and smiled," just remember to be down for dinner."


And that's how the next few weeks went for (Y/n), locked away in her room but in time for dinner. After a week she had gotten board of sitting on her bed staring at her four walls, so she began training in her room, and just ... thinking. She was very thankful to Hange whom was letting her be for he time, but honestly she wished someone would come around, she need someone to pull her from her thoughts. The expedition just kept playing on repeat in her head, she was there, she could of saved Petra, she could of done something besides wait in a tree for crying out loud, it were the same thoughts on loop she couldn't get them out of her head. Each day just became worse, and worse and worse, she could have done something, she could of saved her, she could of helped her, but she did... nothing, and that was truly heartbreaking


It had been almost a month, and Hange couldn't take seeing (Y/n) like this anymore, everyday when she came down for dinner it looked like another little piece of her had vanished, the bright happy girl that everyone knew and loved seemed nowhere to be found.

"Hey, Sasha I need your help with something."They said before training.

"Yeah Captain, whatcha need." she replied.

"We need to get (Y/n) out of her room, it's been almost a month since the expedition,"Hange sighed looking almost desperate," and I just can't figure out what's going through her head."

~   ~  ~

"Hey, ( Y/n) I've been meaning to talk to you," Hange said finding them walking through the hallway.

"Yes captain, what do you need?"

"Your room, just for a little bit, I'm on the verge of a new titan discovery I can feel it I just don't have enough space and I could use your room!!" Their gleeful gleam in their eyes was just too much, bringing (Y/n)  to agree unhappily.

"Excuse me but, where will I be staying if you have my room?" (Y/n) stated, slightly agitated.

"Oh with Sasha Of course!"


It had only been a week but Hange and Sasha were slowly beginning to see that cheerful girl they missed oh so much. As the days went past, (Y/n)'s new behavior didn't go unnoticed, she was now regularly training with everyone, and even became friends with Mikasa while she was at it.

" Here you go commander," (Y/n) placed a cup of tea in front of Erwin, Levi, and Hange. She just smiled as they all mumbled their thanks far to occupied with their current conversation. She sighed  knowing they weren't paying attention to her," can I get you anything else." She repeated for the third time, Levi went to open his mouth but Hange slapped their hand over it before he could say anything.

"No we're good love, thanks."And with that (Y/n)  left the three of them be. Levi licked Hange's hand, they ripped their hand away from him so fast looking discussed as they wiped off Levi's spit on to their trousers.

"What was that all about four eyes?"Levi commented.

"What was what all about?"

"Really, dumbass."

"Fine,(Y/n) has been having a really hard time since the expedition, and her sister died."

"Sister, eh, who was she? " Hange looked at him confusedly, "what?"

"Petra, her sister was Petra," Leviś eyes widened at her words,"I'm surprised you didn't know that."

'How the hell was I supposed to know!?"he looked at her offendedly. Hange just rolled her eyes

"Well, I mean beyond the fact that she was in your squad she was practically head of heels for you."They said matter-a-factly. Erwin Smiled at the scene before butting in," They are right Levi, that poor girl practically worshipped the ground you walked on."

"What, no she didn't."

"Yes she did,"The two of them harmonised. Levi just sighed and rolled his eyes. 

"So, that's Petra's sister, huh."he mused. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2021 ⏰

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